Former Yokozuna Hokutoumi, whose real name is Takezawa Katsuaki, has left behind an immeasurable legacy as one of the most beloved figures in the sport of sumo wrestling. His passing on November 18 last year marked not just the loss of a champion but also the end of an era. On January 18, during the January Basho at the Ryogoku Kokugikan, fans and former colleagues gathered to pay homage to the man who shaped the sport with his remarkable talent and charisma.
The tribute aired on NHK, where former sumo wrestler Mai no Umi shared heartfelt memories of Hokutoumi. He remarked, "I hope Hokutoumi will watch over sumo from heaven," encapsulating the sentiment felt by many. The program revolved around Hokutoumi's storied career, reflecting on moments from his time as both a top competitor and later as an influential elder within the sumo association.
Hokutoumi was known not just for his impressive stats – achieving ten championships and being promoted to yokozuna – but also for his engaging and insightful commentary during NHK broadcasts after retirement. Colleagues and fans alike praised his unique commentary style. "Hokutoumi's commentary was uniquely insightful," noted NHK, highlighting how he always managed to connect with the audience, often infusing his words with warmth, humor, and sometimes stern wisdom.
Mai no Umi reminisced, "He had a blend of humor and wisdom, and his passion for sumo was apparent," showcasing how Hokutoumi’s perspective shaped viewers’ experiences of the sport. This nostalgia was palpable, especially among the younger audience who sought not just to witness sumo matches, but to learn from the legends who narrate them.
Fans took to social media to share their thoughts, with one stating, "Hokutoumi was truly one-of-a-kind, unmatched by anyone else." This highlights the deep connection he forged with the audience over the years. His contributions have echoed through the ages, influencing both current wrestlers and establishing his place as a benchmark for excellence within the sport.
The tribute featured clips showcasing Hokutoumi’s most memorable matches, adorned with commentary from contemporary wrestlers who spoke about the impact he had on their careers. "Many of us looked up to him, not just as champions on the mat but as wise individuals guiding the new generation," said one current athlete, encapsulating Hokutoumi’s enduring spirit within the sport.
During the commemoration, reminiscences flowed freely, showcasing humorous quips and moments of seriousness, illustrating the duality of Hokutoumi's character. One memorable moment highlighted his ability to bring levity to serious situations during matches. An account of Hokutoumi famously exclaiming, "He's not salmon, you know!" during his commentary on wrestler Tochiōzan perfectly illustrated his willingness to entertain, even as he provided analytical insights.
Beyond wrestling, Hokutoumi was instrumental in maintaining and promoting the traditions of sumo, demanding respect for the sport’s history and culture. Many commented on how he embodied the rich heritage of sumo wrestling. Mai no Umi noted, "Hokutoumi’s approach to wrestlers, whether training or commenting, always respected and upheld the traditions of the sport." His teachings remain respected among coaches and wrestlers alike today.
Reflecting on Hokutoumi's career, it's evident he will be remembered not merely as a wrestler or commentator but as a legend who bridged the gap between the past and present of sumo wrestling. The love from fans and respect from peers have woven his legacy deeply within the cultural fabric of Japan's most celebrated sport.
The sentiments from the December broadcast conveyed hope, as fans, enthusiasts, and former wrestlers expressed their wishes for Hokutoumi to continue watching over the sport. With heartfelt pleas for both remembrance and celebration, Hokutoumi's legacy lives on through these reflections and tributes, ensuring he is not forgotten even as new generations of wrestlers continue to emerge.
Hokutoumi's death is not just the end but signifies the continuation of the values he championed throughout his life—dedication, respect, and above all, love for sumo wrestling. His influence echoes loud and clear, and for as long as the sport exists, so too will the memory of Hokutoumi, its champion and cherished son.