A tragic accident unfolded on January 4th, 2023, around 11:25 AM as a 30-year-old man from the Villach district lost his life during forestry work near Feld am See. According to reports, the accident occurred on a forestry road located above the village, particularly along Rautherstraße.
The driver was engaged in logging activities when his tractor slipped over the roadside edge, tumbling down the slope multiple times before coming to rest about 50 meters below the roadway. Eyewitnesses and local officials reported the catastrophic nature of the incident, stating the tractor rolled over several times.
Rescue operations commenced swiftly as firefighters from Feld am See, Afritz, Radenthein, and Untertweng responded to the scene. They were aided by police forces and even dispatched emergency services from ÖAMTC, including a helicopter, which aimed to assist with the vehicle recovery and person extraction. Fire Inspector Thomas Warmuth, the public relations officer for the Villach district fire department, confirmed the gravity of the situation, noting, "The fire brigades on site are currently carrying out the rescue and vehicle recovery efforts." Initial reports mentioned the driver was trapped, and details about his condition were unclear at the time.
Despite the prompt response from emergency personnel, the situation took a tragic turn. According to statements made by the district fire command, the driver was thrown from the tractor's cabin during the accident and suffered fatal injuries. Upon the arrival of paramedics, resuscitation attempts were made, but the emergency doctor pronounced the driver dead at the scene, confirming the unfortunate outcome of the accident.
The precise circumstances surrounding how the tractor lost control remain unclear, prompting local authorities to conduct thorough investigations. The Carinthia State Police Directorate has announced they are actively working to determine the detailed sequence of events leading to this tragic incident.
The incident has drawn attention from the local community, reminding residents of the potential dangers associated with tractor use during forestry operations. The tragic loss of life not only impacts the victim’s family and friends but serves as a somber warning to other workers of the importance of adhering to safety protocols.
The investigation continues, and authorities have promised to relay more information as it becomes available. Local news outlets and community members are keeping their eyes on the updates, hoping for clarity surrounding the unfortunate accident.