A heartbreaking incident unfolded in Chirca, Anenii Noi, on March 19, 2025, when a 9-year-old girl tragically drowned in a drainage canal. The tragedy struck during the afternoon, and while three children attempted to recover a soccer ball that had fallen into the canal, only two of them were rescued.
The incident transpired when the children were near a football field. In their quest to retrieve the ball, they ventured into a drainage canal, leading to a frightening situation. As they struggled, a woman nearby heard the commotion and quickly alerted authorities. She managed to save two boys who were also trapped but sadly could not reach the girl in time. According to the Inspectorate General for Emergency Situations (IGSU), the emergency call to 112 was made at 16:15, reflecting a desperate race against time.
IGSU divers recovered the girl's lifeless body from a depth of 2.5 meters shortly after emergency services arrived at the scene. “Cauza și circumstanțele exacte ale incidentului urmează să fie stabilite de organele de drept,” noted the emergency responders regarding the ongoing investigation into the incident.
In the broader context, rescuers and firefighters were recently active in responding to numerous emergencies, attending to 62 situations within a short span of 24 hours. This alarmingly high number highlights the ongoing challenges faced by emergency services in managing safety in community environments, especially where children are involved.
In light of this tragic event, IGSU representatives have urged parents and guardians to closely monitor children, especially when they are near potentially hazardous areas like drainage canals, open water pools, rooftops, wells, and construction sites. Emphasizing the need for vigilance, they said, "IGSU îndeamnă părinții și persoanele care au în grijă minori să-i monitorizeze cu strictețe și să nu le permită să se joace sau să se afle nesupravegheați în locuri periculoase." This strong appeal stresses the importance of adult supervision and educating children about safety protocols, prompting discussion about community responsibility towards the welfare of kids.
As the investigation unfolds, the community mourns the loss of a young life and reflects on the necessity of implementing stricter safety measures to protect children in environments that may present real dangers. The tragic incident is a wake-up call, underscoring the vital role that vigilant adults play in safeguarding young lives.
Local authorities are expected to further assess the circumstances surrounding the event to prevent such occurrences in the future. The hope is that through awareness and education, this community can rally together to ensure that such heartbreaking tragedies are avoided going forward.