A devastating plane crash occurred on December 22, 2024, on Avenida das Hortênsias in Gramado, Brazil, involving a Piper PA 42-1000 Cheyenne 400. Initial reports indicate at least nine people aboard, with Governor Eduardo Leite stating, "Probably, there are no survivors among the crew." The event unfolded during the morning when the aircraft crashed after colliding with a building's chimney and then hitting the second floor of a residence before landing on a furniture store, resulting in extensive damage and triggering fires.
Emergency services were immediately deployed to the scene, where smoke inhalation injuries led to 14 people requiring medical attention. The chaotic aftermath emphasized the necessary coordination between local authorities and emergency responders. Governor Leite arrived around noon, prioritizing the security of the area where the crash occurred and addressing concerned citizens. He announced, "The priority at this moment is to secure the area before beginning the investigation," highlighting the urgent need to gather information about the disaster.
Details surrounding the incident suggest poor visibility due to fog at the time, which might have played a significant role. According to reports from MetSul, who monitor weather conditions, "The conditions of visibility were poor, and there was fog." These factors raise questions about the aircraft's navigation and decision-making just before the crash.
Local municipal and state forces, including the Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência (Samu), were mobilized to the site and prepared for transportation of those injured. The Prefeitura de Porto Alegre announced readiness to assist, stating, “We are mobilizing all municipal and Canela forces to respond to the incident.” Their swift response included setting up emergency medical treatment facilities to address the needs of the injured, particularly those suffering from smoke inhalation and burns.
The wreckage of the aircraft led to dangerous conditions, as the crash caused fires affecting not only the store but also nearby residences. Video footage captured the moment of destruction, illustrating the fire engulfing obstacles near Avenida das Hortênsias. Multiple roads around the crash site were closed to traffic to facilitate emergency operations. The Empresa Gaúcha de Rodovias (EGR) provided alternative routes for commuters, urging them to stay clear of the area.
Investigators are currently analyzing the wreckage and gathering witness accounts to ascertain the cause of the crash, with the tragic incident leaving the community and local authorities reeling. The complexity of the aftermath continues to evolve as the investigation progresses, with officials ensuring every measure to support victims and their families during this difficult time.
This grim event has cast a somber shadow over the scenic town of Gramado, known for its beautiful landscapes and tourism appeal. Residents and visitors alike find solace knowing efforts are underway for thorough investigations and assistance programs to aid those affected by this shocking disaster.