On January 30, 2025, Meta's social network Threads made headlines with the announcement of new features aimed at enhancing user engagement. The company revealed the introduction of a dedicated media tab for both photos and videos, alongside the ability to tag other users within shared images. This long-awaited addition, as stated by Instagram head Adam Mosseri, is expected to address community desires and help Threads compete more effectively with other platforms.
Mosseri shared the news on Threads, mentioning, "The media tab is a long overdue request from the community." This statement reflects the increasing demand for accessible media features, as many users seek to showcase their visual content more prominently. The media tab will conveniently aggregate all photos and videos from each user, making them easy to find.
The introduction of the media tab follows similar updates from Threads' competitors, including X (formerly Twitter) and the startup Bluesky. Both platforms have been enhancing their user interface to maintain their respective positions as significant players within the social media space. This competitive atmosphere puts pressure on Threads to evolve swiftly.
According to the latest figures shared by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Threads has seen explosive user growth, swelling from 300 million to 320 million monthly active users within just one month. This upswing is noteworthy, especially as Bluesky has encountered dwindling growth rates—reportedly just under 10% month-over-month growth for December 2024, down from 189% growth seen the previous month.
Through these new updates, Meta endeavors not only to meet user expectations but also to position Threads as a formidable alternative to video-centric platforms such as TikTok, which is seeing its U.S. operations temporarily stabilized from a potential ban.
Accompanying the media tab, Threads is rolling out the ability for users to tag individuals when sharing photographs. This feature mimics similar functionalities found on Instagram, enhancing the interconnected experience users have come to expect from social media. The tagging feature allows users to search their connections and add them to posts, fostering engagement and collaboration.
The new photo tagging feature, alongside the media tab, aims to bolster user interaction and community building within the platform. The update is seen as part of Meta’s broader strategy to enrich Threads by incorporating features reminiscent of its popular platform, Instagram. Mosseri noted, "These updates are about making Threads more engaging and accessible for our users."
Meta's focus on adding features to Threads is evident, with prior integrations including post scheduling, custom feeds, and AI-powered topic summaries, all of which exemplify the company’s commitment to attracting and retaining users. Adding the recently launched markup tool, which allows users to annotate posts, offers another interactive dimension to user contributions on the platform.
Despite the changes and enhancements being rolled out, Threads has yet to introduce direct messaging—a key component many users expect from social media platforms. The absence of this feature can be seen as both a limitation and an opportunity for the app as it distinguishes itself from more traditional platforms.
While Threads continues to grow and refine its offerings, the need for real-time engagement remains pressing, especially as the app works hard to allure over communities from rival platforms like X and Bluesky. Meta's recent modifications, such as relaxing moderation policies and eliminating some previous restrictions, suggest they are gearing up to capture more lively discussions and interactions within the platform, particularly around current events.
If Threads manages to effectively engage users around live events, such as sports and television programs, it might not only increase its user base but also change the dynamics of engagement within the social media sphere significantly.
Persuading users to migrate toward Threads from X comprises part of Zuckerberg's vision of developing Threads as the next billion-user platform. According to insiders, as Threads continues to gain traction, Meta's focus remains on nurturing this growth with consistent updates and user-friendly features. Acknowledging the community's needs and staying current with trends will be pivotal as the company battles for mindshare within the complex social media terrain.
Overall, the rollout of the media tab and photo tagging features marks another key step for Threads as it seeks to solidify its place among the top social media platforms. With the expressed desire of the user community and steadfast commitment from Meta, the future looks promising for Threads.