The beloved reality series The Apprentice has returned for its 19th season, premiering on January 30, 2025. Aimed at aspiring entrepreneurs, contestants strive to impress Lord Alan Sugar to win his coveted investment of £250,000. With the show now entrenched as part of British television, its mixture of drama, business acumen, and ever-present competition continues to attract attention.
This season features 18 compelling candidates, including Anisa Khan, who is presenting her innovative pizza business, and Carlo Brancati, known for his work as a hair transplant consultant. Among the hopefuls, Emma Rothwell, who runs an online gift store, stands out as the first candidate to face Lord Sugar's decision by the end of the premiere episode.
Contestants will face challenges throughout the season, testing their business skills and creativity across diverse tasks. The first episode kicked off dramatically as contestants were sent to the picturesque Tyrolean Alps, where they had to organize and execute alpine tours aimed at maximizing profit. Initial impressions of Mia, who confidently declared herself, "I am the human equivalent of a tank, nothing gets in my way," suggest strong personalities vying for leadership.
The competitive fervor manifests especially clearly when discussing the upcoming tasks slated for this season, including creating virtual pop stars and designing holiday experiences—all set against the backdrop of various international locations. According to Baroness Karren Brady, Sugar's trusted advisor, this cohort of contestants comprises "experts from diversified fields battling for the ultimate prize,” reflecting an ever-evolving business community.
With The Apprentice, the comedic aspects have also become notorious through the years, particularly through Lord Sugar's one-liners. "This is where the schnitzel hits the fan," he quipped during the first episode, adding light-heartedness to the tension of the boardroom. Yet, as amusing as these jibes may be, some critics have voiced concerns about the show's format seeming outdated, as pointed out by Christopher Stevens, who admonishes the unnecessary repetition of clichés from earlier seasons.
Viewers can watch The Apprentice Season 19 on BBC One every Thursday at 9 PM GMT. The show will also stream on BBC iPlayer, which offers viewers the opportunity to watch episodes live or on-demand for free, provided they have a valid UK TV license. You can sign up with just a UK postcode and email address, making it accessible for loyal fans and newcomers alike.
This season promises several entertaining episodes, with engaging tasks lined up, including the animated virtual popstar creation and the classic discount buying challenge, which is set to take place this time around Ritz style at Stratford-upon-Avon. The thrill of action and strategy will only grow as contestants fight for Lord Sugar's favor, leading to unpredictable boardroom battles.
Each episode wraps up with the companion show, The Apprentice: You're Fired, hosted by Tom Allen, where discussions with eliminated candidates provide additional insights and keep the excitement alive.
The full schedule is available now, with anticipation building for upcoming episodes as candidates navigate entrepreneurship's rigorous demands. With episodes airing weekly until April 17, audiences are eager to see who will be the last one standing and secure the life-changing investment from Lord Sugar.
Among the contestants, Emma Rothwell will not soon be forgotten, as she became the first eliminated during the premiere. Despite her best efforts to sell tickets for her forest experience, she struggled to achieve success and heard the dreaded words, "You're fired" from Lord Sugar. Emma expressed to cameras afterward, "I think you've made a big mistake"—a sentiment telling of the emotional stakes gripping each contestant.
With each episode, The Apprentice seems poised to blend business acumen and reality TV drama, continuing to engage viewers as they root for their favorites. Expect laughter, cringeworthy moments, and fierce competition, as these aspiring business leaders have their work cut out for them on the way to potential success.