Telegram, the popular messaging platform, has officially crossed the impressive milestone of one billion monthly active users. This announcement was made on March 21, 2025, by the company’s CEO Pavel Durov, signifying its growing prominence in a competitive digital landscape dominated by applications like WhatsApp. In a pointed critique of Meta’s flagship messaging app, Durov stated, "WhatsApp is a diluted version of Telegram. They have tried to copy our innovations for years, spending billions on lobbying and PR to slow us down. But they’ve failed. Telegram has grown, become profitable, and retained its independence unlike our competitor."
Durov also highlighted Telegram’s financial success, revealing that the company generated a revenue of $547 million in 2024. This accomplishment not only reflects a strong economic model but also emphasizes the platform's commitment to monetization without compromising user experience. In contrast, while WhatsApp boasts over two billion users, Durov’s remarks suggest that he views the engagement and trust of Telegram’s community as a triumph.
The rapid rise in Telegram’s user base comes during a period of scrutiny for Durov himself. He faced serious allegations from French authorities, resulting in his arrest in August 2024 over claims concerning the distribution of illegal content via the platform. Following his release on a bail of $5.6 million, he swiftly returned to Dubai, but the controversy has cast a shadow over the platform. Nonetheless, Durov adamantly denied the allegations and insisted on Telegram’s role as a responsible service provider.
In response to the legal challenges, Telegram has adopted new strategies aimed at enhancing user security and combatting illegal content. The platform announced a partnership with the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) to better monitor and remove illicit content. Furthermore, in September 2024, Telegram committed to sharing data with law enforcement regarding offenders when required, showcasing a shift towards greater accountability.
This dual effort to protect user privacy while cooperating with authorities aligns with the platform's longstanding mission since its inception in 2013 by brothers Pavel and Nikolai Durov. Their vision was to create a messaging service that prioritizes privacy and offers robust encryption features, particularly attractive in regions with restricted freedoms. Even with growing pressures, Telegram continues to express its dedication to safeguarding its users' rights.
Meanwhile, WhatsApp addressed Durov's critiques by highlighting its commitment to privacy. A spokesperson stated, "WhatsApp was built with a focus on privacy long before Telegram emerged. However, Telegram does not provide proper encryption for group chats, opting instead to store them on its servers," underscoring a direct retort to Durov's assertions.
Telegram's rapid expansion, paired with Durov's contentious legal journey, marks a significant period for the platform as it navigates the intersection of privacy, legal scrutiny, and competitive pressures in the tech industry. With its unique features and a focus on secure communication, Telegram underscores its position as a significant player in the global messaging arena, attracting users who value both innovation and integrity in digital communication.
As Telegram continues to evolve, many are watching closely how the platform will uphold its principles amidst mounting challenges from rivals and regulators alike. With the company's stance on cooperation with legal authorities, it appears Telegram is striving for a balance between growth and responsibility in an increasingly complex environment.