On December 30, 2024, the final episode of the beloved German quiz show "Wer weiß denn sowas XXL" aired, hosted by Kai Pflaume with team captains Bernhard Hoëcker and Elton. This special episode was not just another installment but the traditional year-end finale, which featured well-known personalities such as Till Reiners, Felix Lobrecht, Richard David Precht, Markus Lanz, Annett Louisan, and Austrian singer Melissa Naschenweng, who all came together to compete for 50,000 euros for charity.
The show commenced with comedic rivalry as Reiners and Lobrecht faced off, with Lobrecht jokingly stating his motivation for winning was particularly high against Reiners. Initially, it seemed like Reiners, often labeled as the 'almost all-knowing candidate,' was gaining the upper hand, proving his knowledge on various trivia. "Every one of us had such a Till Reiners in our school," Pflaume quipped, establishing the light-hearted tone of the evening.
Among the highlights of the evening was the usual segment featuring Marcus Weber from the "Physikanten,” who conducted fun experiments as part of the show. One memorable moment recalled the transformation of the game when whimsical colored umbrellas were handed out, supposedly to shield contestants from splashing water – or perhaps to create amusing snapshots for the audience.
Despite the festive atmosphere, technical difficulties struck the show during the high-stakes moments. Elton, known for his rapid responses, swiftly answered, "He interviewed himself as Bastian Schweinsteiger" during one live question. Before Pflaume could register the answer, there was confusion on the technical side; the software required all answer options to be displayed before logging any response, causing noticeable delays. Pflaume humorously noted, "We’ve been broadcasting for nearly ten years and still discover points in the game software needing optimization." This comment elicited laughter from the audience, shedding light on the trials of live television.
Despite these hiccups, Elton and Naschenweng snagged 3,000 euros after six questions, demonstrating resilience amid technical setbacks. The episode also delivered more knowledge, including questions about pacific rattlesnakes, where the correct answer about their reproductive capabilities impressed the audience and secured Elton and Naschenweng’s place advancing forward.
Naschenweng faced some challenges later on, particularly during the quick-fire ‘Hot Seat’ segment, where contestants raced to answer questions. Although she started strong, the pressure appeared to derail her as she floundered with questions about trends including the much-talked-about viral Dubai chocolate, leaving many viewers amused.
Meanwhile, the finale pitted Precht and Hoëcker against Reiners and Elton. They made early mistakes, misplacing the controls of vehicles as they pondered questions about driving mechanics and the meaning of various prefixes common to Irish surnames, hinting at their knowledge limits under pressure. It all came to fruition when Richard David Precht pondered the question about cities without Olympic Winter Games, eventually sealing their victory by identifying Helsinki correctly, which came with the responsibility of donating 50,000 euros to the charity Cap Anamur assisting people suffering hardships, particularly focusing on those affected by the situation in Sudan.
Pflaume closed the show with warm reflections on the event, emphasizing the blend of knowledge, laughter, and purpose characterized the spirit of the broadcast. Through the laughter of the audience, candid blunders during the contest, and the spirit of camaraderie evoked by the residents and guests, "Wer weiß denn sowas XXL" capped off 2024 with laughter, surprises, and for many, the hope of learning something new.