&TEAM is stepping onto the big screen for the first time, making their film debut in the highly anticipated Paripi Koumei THE MOVIE, set to release on April 25, 2025. The film, which is based on the beloved manga series, follows the adventures of the legendary strategist Kongming, played by Ryo Mukai, as he revives his youth and teams up with aspiring singer Eiko, portrayed by Moka Kamishiraishi, to navigate the challenges of the music industry.
The narrative is vibrant and filled with ambition, showing how contemporary struggles can reflect historical character dynamics. The film adapts the manga which has sold over 2.4 million copies, showcasing Kongming's modern-day challenges as he helps Eiko aiming for stardom through music.
Offering their first performance on film, &TEAM, the nine-member global group, is set to take the stage at the Music Battle Awards 2025, anchoring their role firmly within the story. Notably, they will display not only their dynamic live performances but also their budding acting skills, highlighting their significance throughout the film.
The film is not just about the music; it also features ensemble acting from talent like Dean Fujioka and Mirai Moriyama returning from the original drama adaptation alongside new faces such as Kazuya Kamio and singer Shiha. The anticipation is palpable as viewers await how these characters will intertwine, particularly through the music battles of the storyline.
The excitement for &TEAM’s inclusion is palpable, and expressively shared by the group themselves. "It is truly an honor for all of us to appear in the movie, which has been loved by many since its original manga and drama adaptation," the group remarked, reflecting their enthusiasm not only for the film but for their dedicated fanbase.
Ryo Mukai, who plays Kongming, also expressed his delight. "This is one of the happiest events of 2024 for me!" he stated enthusiastically after collaborating with &TEAM, emphasizing the camaraderie they developed during filming. The thrill of the performance was described as overwhelming, especially for audiences witnessing &TEAM’s secret guest appearance where the energy of the crowd surged to its peak, marking it as one of the film's highlights.
Preparations for the film have included promotional events leading up to its release. A kick-off party is set for February 22, where &TEAM will not only appear but will also interact with their fans through live performances and talks. Alongside the build-up to the premiere, special teasers and promotional materials, including thrilling trailers and visuals, have been released, keeping the audience engaged.
One teaser showcases Mukai's Kongming character dressed as a DJ, mixing it up on stage, which is expected to excite the audience and set the tone for what’s coming. The collaborative dynamic between live performances and cinematic storytelling is sure to captivate audiences. The combination of music, drama, and the freshness of &TEAM’s participation will make this film not just entertaining, but also memorable.
Fans can expect much from the movie, as the release will demonstrate not just the artistic talents of &TEAM but also the concept of mentorship and achievement through the powerful medium of music, as Kongming and Eiko navigate their challenges together.
With the film projected to attract attention throughout the spring season, anticipation continues to build around the performances and heartfelt connection within the story, prompting audiences eagerly awaiting to see how well it translates from page to screen.
&TEAM’s debut promises to be as thrilling as it is heartwarming, making Paripi Koumei THE MOVIE not just another anime adaptation, but rather, a cross-genre spectacle combining talent, performance, and narrative depth.