On December 29, 2023, the highly anticipated special drama 'Grand Maison Tokyo' will air on the TBS network, starring Takuya Kimura as the unconventional chef Natsuki Oiba. This new installment is not just an ordinary special but a complete continuation from the acclaimed 2019 Sunday drama 'Grand Maison Tokyo', which captured the hearts of viewers.
The esteemed cast is back, comprising not only Kimura but also Kyoka Suzuki as Rinko Hayami, Yuta Tamamori playing Sous Chef Shohei Hirako, and Mitsuhiro Oikawa as Binri Aizawa. They will be joined by Kazuki Sawamura as the waiter Riku Taro Kyon, adding to the already strong dynamic of 'Team Grame', who fans have sorely missed.
This special drama follows the story after 'Grand Maison Tokyo' earned its Michelin three-star rating. Viewers can expect to see how the characters navigate the tumultuous period brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, which significantly impacted the restaurant industry. Oiba and Hayami's relationship and the struggles of maintaining culinary excellence amid crisis are set to be focal points.
Kimura expressed his excitement about the drama's production stating, “When I heard the news about the special drama, I was very pleased. I think if it wasn’t for the pandemic, we could have reunited much earlier.” His candid acknowledgment of the challenging circumstances due to COVID-19 reflects not only the reality many faced but also how it intertwined with storytelling.
“It was important to address the pandemic’s impact on the restaurant industry as we depict its story,” he added. This sentiment underpins the drama's authenticity; as it resonates with the struggles many businesses endured.
During the narrative, Hayami, played by Suzuki, faces her challenges as the newly crowned chef at 'Grand Maison Tokyo', which has transitioned to working with the food consulting company NEX Management to survive. The story dives deep, examining how the restaurant adapted with frozen food lines and meal kits—a stark shift away from what once was their culinary pride.
“I think it’s important to not skip over the reality of the pandemic, which had significant repercussions for restaurants,” Kimura remarked, emphasizing the need for honesty and relatability within the drama. This relatable approach aims to connect with viewers, shedding light on the significant emotional toll the pandemic took on those within the industry.
Significantly, the story is framed around how these characters have lived through their own personal battles during the pandemic. The script, masterfully penned by Tsutomu Kuroiwa, alongside direction from Ayuko Tsukahara, is expected to blend drama and reality seamlessly, portraying the characters’ growth and evolution over the past few years.
But the excitement doesn’t end there. Following the special drama's airing, fans can anticipate the film 'Grand Maison Paris', set to premiere on December 30, 2023, featuring actors Ok Taecyeon and Yoshiki Arakawa as significant new additions. The film will set the stage for Oiba's challenge of earning three stars again, this time paralleled against Parisian culinary culture.
The series has garnered substantial fanfare, and as viewers prepare for the anticipated reunion of beloved characters, the need to reflect real-world issues like the pandemic only enhances the emotional depth of the drama. It's set to be not just entertainment, but also reflection and acknowledgment of shared experiences across society.
With the special airing just around the corner, excitement brews among fans eager to see their favorite characters back on screen, ready to navigate the kitchen chaos and personal growth shaped by adversity. 'Grand Maison Tokyo' promises to serve up another slice of engaging storytelling, blended intricately with touches of reality and resilience.