On January 23, 2025, actor Takuya Kimura and director Yoji Yamada gathered at The Okura Tokyo for the event celebrating Shochiku's 130th anniversary, marking the announcement of their new film, "TOKYO Taxi." This moment was underscored by the poignant backdrop of former SMAP member Masahiro Nakai's surprise retirement announcement, which occurred simultaneously.
The film, slated for release on November 21, 2025, follows the story of Koji Usami, portrayed by Kimura, who is an ordinary taxi driver. His life intertwines with the elderly passenger Sumire Takano, played by Chieko Baishō. The narrative illuminates their chance encounter as they navigate the busy streets of Tokyo, which serves as the film's vivid backdrop.
Reflecting on his participation, Kimura shared, "I'm surprised at how much time has passed, but I had no hesitation about working with Yamada again," highlighting his eagerness to step back onto the director's set after 19 years since their last collaboration on the film "Bushi no Ichibun." Kimura expressed his anticipation for the warmth and care Yamada brings to storytelling, especially during challenging times.
Yamada also shared his thoughts on the significance of creating something uplifting during difficult periods. "We are living through heavy times, and I want to create something lighthearted and enjoyable during this period," he remarked. The director aims to provide audiences with respite through the film's narrative, which promises to blend humor with moments of reflection.
Kimura’s character, Usami, leads a humble life with his family, and encounters Sumire, who requests several detours on their ride. The film’s emotional depth is set to explore how their meeting catalyzes life-changing conversations and reflections. Yamada expressed the desire to capture aspects of Kimura’s personality, seeking to reveal new dimensions of the actor’s talent. "I want to seize the kindness of his character for this film," Yamada said, emphasizing his goal to draw out qualities seldom seen in Kimura's previous roles.
Baishō quipped about her role, noting, "I was excited to work alongside Takuya Kimura and deliver lines I haven’t said before," adding humorously about the nature of her character’s harshness compared to her celebrated roles. The film will be nearly two decades since their last project together, signifying not only their evolution as artists but also the growth of the narrative surrounding them.
The presser also addressed the film’s source material, inspired by the French film "Paris Taxi," leveraging its poignant and humorous elements. Such connections reveal Yamada’s artistic commitment to adapting narratives with weight and lightness, engaging them uniquely for Japanese audiences.
The Shochiku event highlighted additional performances and collaborations happening within the festival, including appearances by other notable figures and projects gearing up for forthcoming releases. This season of collaboration promises not just vibrant storytelling but also showcases the enduring relationships among artists within the industry.
Overall, as anticipation builds for the November release of "TOKYO Taxi," the event underscored both celebration and collaboration. It combines the spirit of congeniality and the joy of storytelling, promising to resonate with audiences eager for heartfelt narratives amid dense urban life.