The study investigates how visual symmetry enhances working memory performance and alters brain activity, utilizing functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS). Researchers from the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf aimed to bridge existing research gaps concerning the impact of symmetry on cognitive processing.
The study revealed significant improvements in memory performance accuracy when subjects were exposed to symmetrical stimuli, particularly under high cognitive load conditions. Among various types of symmetry tested, diagonal symmetry proved to be the most effective. Neuroimaging data collected via fNIRS demonstrated distinct brain activation patterns when participants processed symmetrical stimuli compared to their asymmetrical counterparts.
The research was conducted with 43 healthy, right-handed participants, with final results obtained from 37 of them. Participants engaged with novel working memory tasks requiring them to quickly and accurately recall the location of specific stimuli. They were monitored for brain activity, focusing on areas related to working memory and cognitive load.
The findings indicated not only higher accuracy rates for symmetrical stimuli but also faster reaction times, with the differences amplified under high cognitive load. Under low cognitive load, differences between accuracy for symmetrical and asymmetrical stimuli were minimal. More nuanced insights revealed how specific types of symmetry, particularly diagonal, significantly influenced cognitive task performance.
Behavioral data analysis highlighted notable trends; symmetrical stimuli led to fewer errors and marginally closer recall to target locations. This suggests the potential for symmetry to affect internal processes of attention and feature binding within working memory systems.
Significant variations were observed across different brain regions during the tasks. Areas such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), and lateral occipital cortex (LOC) exhibited differential responses when processing symmetrical versus asymmetrical stimuli, showing alterations indicative of the cognitive load experienced by participants.
The complexity of findings underscored the need for continued research to unravel how visual symmetry not only enhances memory performance but also influences cognitive control mechanisms. Long-term, this may inform strategies for educational and therapeutic applications leveraging the cognitive advantages of symmetry.
Overall, this study adds depth to our comprehension of visual cognition and working memory, pinpointing symmetry as a significant element influencing cognitive processing under variable load conditions.