Japan's beloved sushi chain, Sushiro, is once again teaming up with the well-known Sanrio character Cinnamoroll for a co-branded campaign, set to run from January 8 to January 26, 2025. This exciting collaboration follows last year's success, wherein Cinnamoroll fans flocked to the many Sushiro venues across the nation to indulge in themed treats and purchases.
The campaign will showcase exclusive sushi creations, including salmon and negitoro sushi, each adorned with special Cinnamoroll-themed picks. According to Sushiro, "Cinnamoroll collaboration returns to Sushiro! The cute character brings you exclusive sushi and merchandise!" This quote reflects the enthusiasm surrounding this return engagement with one of Sanrio's most adored characters.
Among the notable menu items is the glossy salmon and negitoro wrap, which will be available during the campaign at the pocket-friendly price of 200 yen (tax included). Diners will receive one of ten unique character picks with every order. The picks feature all the main Cinnamoroll characters such as Cappuccino, Mocha, and Espresso, ensuring both fun and collectible value for fans.
Sushiro has also brought back their popular “Puchilow Set,” which will be accompanied by special character-themed zipper pouches. The Puchilow Set will start at 580 yen and includes five pieces of sushi, making it appealing not just for children but also for adults who enjoy cuteness without compromising on satisfaction.
Another crowd favorite is the specially-designed drink option featuring adorable Cinnamoroll mascots, priced around 980 yen. According to one Sushiro spokesperson, “This collaboration was very popular last year, and we are excited to bring more exclusive items this time.” Such exclusive mascots will be randomly provided to guests, ensuring some delightful surprises!
This co-branded collaboration is not just about limited-edition food items, but also about creating memorable experiences. People visiting Sushiro can look forward to exclusive character merchandise which includes colorful picks and pouches. The entire experience reflects the fusion of culinary delight and pop culture, capturing the heart of both sushi lovers and Sanrio enthusiasts.
With its hallmark combination of quality sushi and charming characters, Sushiro expects to pull considerable crowds during this campaign. Last year, the initial collaboration set high expectations, and this year’s offerings aim to deliver once again. Customers can check the Sushiro app or website for regular updates on the available items and any location-specific promotions.
Although this flashy campaign is set to draw customers of all ages, it particularly targets families and young women who are fond of cute merchandise. It’s safe to say the excitement surrounding this release is palpable, with fan anticipation steadily rising.
The collaboration campaign with Cinnamoroll not only provides limited-time culinary delights but also turns visiting Sushiro locations during the promotional period seamless and enjoyable, reinforcing the brand's commitment to fun dining experiences.
The fusion of Sushiro’s well-crafted sushi with Cinnamoroll’s adorable likeness is poised to be another hit story, demonstrating how collaborations can create wonderful opportunities for brands to engage with their audiences. With special menus, unique merchandise, and plenty of excitement, the Sushiro x Cinnamoroll collaboration promises to be the talk of the town from early January through late January 2025.
For anyone interested, be sure to catch this special event, marked distinctly on the culinary calendar. Whether you are treating yourself, shopping for cute memorabilia, or just sharing the experience, Sushiro’s collaboration is not to be missed!