Super Sentai, the beloved Japanese superhero franchise, is gearing up to celebrate its 50th anniversary, marking five decades of action, teamwork, and colorful heroes. To commemorate this milestone, Toei Animation has released the "Super Sentai 50th Anniversary Countdown PV" and unveiled the celebratory logo, stirring excitement among fans both old and new.
The Super Sentai series first hit the airwaves with "Himitsu Sentai Gorenger," which premiered on April 5, 1975. This groundbreaking show introduced audiences to the concept of a team of five heroes, each representing different colors — red, blue, yellow, pink, and green — battling against evil forces. The innovative format of featuring multiple heroes instead of the traditional solo act won the hearts of children, achieving peak viewer ratings of 22% and running for 84 episodes over two years.
Fast forward to 2023, the newest installment entitled "Bakujou Sentai Bunbunja" is currently airing, continuing the legacy of the franchise. The recently released countdown video honors the show's rich history, showcasing clips of past heroes and leading up to the moment when they reveal the message: "50年目にしてNo.1の戦隊" (the number one team after 50 years).
This countdown PV opens with nostalgic visuals reminiscent of the first show's launch, displaying scenes from older shows transitioning to high-definition versions. The countdown sequence culminates dramatically when the figure of a new hero, who cuts through the number one from behind the screen, is introduced alongside the phrase emphasizing the franchise's continual evolution and extraordinary legacy.
Shinichiro Shirakura, who has produced several Super Sentai series, shared insights about the franchise's progress over the years. He remarked, "All Super Sentai have lived hard. Not merely to pass the baton to the next generation, but to declare themselves number one. This accumulation over 50 years... it’s both respect for all past Sentai as well as parting ways from the old. It's significant for achieving the extraordinary of winning hearts across generations.” His comments imply upcoming exciting developments tied to the franchise's future.
Alongside the PV release, Toei Animation also announced plans to stream the first and second episodes from historical series on their official YouTube channels, "Toei Tokusatsu YouTube Official" and "Bunbunja Channel," beginning December 15, 2025. With each episode featuring iconic heroes, fans are encouraged to discover their favorite characters from the series.
The newly released 50th-anniversary logo emphasizes the theme of "explosion," intending to symbolize the thrill and energy of the franchise. Background visuals highlight the five colors associated with Super Sentai, leading to the new design which captures the spirit of the past and enthusiasm for the future.
This celebration not only salutes the achievements of the Super Sentai series but also sets the stage for its future endeavors. The anticipation for additional announcements is palpable, especially with rumors swirling about exciting new characters and stories.
On December 25, the full significance of the PV is expected to be revealed, marking the actual anniversary and the eventual debut of this new hero hinted at throughout the promotional materials. The franchise has persistently ingrained itself within the hearts of fans across generations, and its 50-year commitment to presenting brilliant characters, thrilling plots, and messages about camaraderie and determination, continues to resonate.
"人間五十年〜" (Humans live fifty years), Shirakura stated as he reflected on the iconic phrase, reminding fans of the brevity of life and the importance of cherishing every moment — something the Super Sentai series embodies effectively through its action-packed visuals and moral lessons.
Fans are encouraged to join the celebration on December 25, where the declarations made within the countdown video will fully surface, and the franchise's latest hero will step forward, promising another chapter filled with heroism and adventure.
With the spirit of teamwork and resilience embodied by the Super Sentai, the series looks forward to exciting new horizons as it marches proudly toward its next milestone, ready to ignite the imaginations of fans worldwide.
This 50th anniversary marks not just the past glories of the series but also the promise of thrilling times to come, reminding all of us why we fell in love with these colorful heroes.