Residents of Montemorelos, Nuevo León, are grappling with alarming reports of foul odors resembling sulfur and ammonia, suspected to originate from the nearby Cadereyta Refinery, officially known as Ingeniero Héctor R. Lara Sosa. This unsettling situation drew the attention of state environmental officials, who are working to ascertain the cause and potential risks of these emissions.
Alfonso Martínez Muñoz, the Secretary of Environment for Nuevo León, addressed the concerns surrounding the malodorous emissions during an interview with La Grillotina. "The bad smells perceived across the citrus region are attributed to emissions generated by the refinery," he explained. His office has been actively monitoring the situation, noting the unpleasant scents, which residents described as sulfurous and ammoniacal, stirring feelings of unease and irritation.
On January 24, 2025, Protección Civil de Nuevo León received multiple reports from residents across at least eight neighborhoods of Montemorelos. These neighborhoods include Barrio Zaragoza and Barrio Jalisco, among others. Authorities commenced preventive inspections to assess the situation around noon, taking heed of the swelling number of complaints from the community.
The inspections coincided with eyewitness accounts capturing video evidence showing the displacement of unusual fumes emanated from the refinery’s emissions plume. This prompted immediate attention, signaling potential environmental concerns for the health of local inhabitants.
Fortunately, upon review, Martínez Muñoz indicated there were no reports of severe health complications linked to the emissions from the refinery. "There were no reports of poisoning or detrimental health impacts caused by these gases," he stated. Nevertheless, irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat among community members had been reported, emphasizing the need for vigilance and proper monitoring.
During this period of distress, residents were encouraged by local authorities to report any abnormalities or distressing symptoms they experienced. Together with local municipal units, Protección Civil carried out extensive checks, conducting preventative patrolling throughout Montemorelos, particularly concentrating on the neighborhoods most impacted.
According to officials, these concerns were not isolated. Earlier the same week, similar odors had also been reported from the metropolitan area of Monterrey, hinting at the magnitude of the situation originating from the Cadereyta refinery’s emissions. Such occurrences have prompted concerns among residents, raising questions about environmental oversight and air quality measures.
Dr. Santos Sáenz Delgado, a respected professor and researcher at the School of Engineering and Technologies at UDEM, elaborated on the incidents, asserting unequivocally, "For an event like the one recorded with such scale, the Cadereyta refinery is the only viable source of the odor." He highlighted the process by which refineries utilize mercaptan gas, added for odor detection, which can cause noticeable but non-lethal irritations when released excessively.
Delgado reassured the community, stating, "The good news is it’s not natural gas; the not-so-good news remains the irritation caused by these compounds. The symptoms experienced—such as nausea or headaches—shouldn't be considered normal, rather, they're signs to monitor closely."
While the situation has revealed oversight challenges and environmental quality queries concerning the Cadereyta refinery, officials from various agencies stress the need for continued assessment of air quality and potential exposure levels for Montemorelos residents. They are committed to vigilance and caution as they address growing citizen concerns.
To this end, municipalities have been urged to reinforce their emergency protocols, ensuring the safety of their constituents as the situation evolves. Ongoing collaboration between local authorities and environmental experts will be key to allaying fears and implementing efficient responses to potential hazards attributed to industrial emissions.
Authorities remain on heightened alert, assuring the community of their support and transparency. The message is clear; they are dedicated to tackling any risks arising from industrial activities and committed to preserving public health within Montemorelos and beyond.