The assessment of muscular endurance in children is critical for ensuring their overall physical health, particularly in educational settings with limited resources. A recent study conducted in Arequipa, Peru, has evaluated the reliability of the biceps curl test as a feasible and effective tool for assessing muscular endurance in schoolchildren aged 6 to 17.
In a cross-sectional study involving 1,103 participants—500 boys and 603 girls— researchers from Universidad Católica Santa María de Arequipa sought to provide a method that can be easily applied in school contexts lacking access to sophisticated equipment. Utilizing the biceps curl test, children aged 6 to 11 were given 1 kg dumbbells, while those aged 12 to 17 were tasked with 2 kg weights for testing their endurance over a 30-second period.
According to the data collected, the Technical Error of Measurement (TEM%) values for this test ranged from 0.48 to 2.89%. These figures suggest a high degree of reliability in the test, an aspect further underscored by an Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) ranging from 0.93 to 0.99. This indicates that there is significant stability between repeated measurements, affirming the validity of the results.
One of the notable points from the research is that the limits of agreement illustrated via the Bland-Altman plot were wide, varying from -1.28 to 1.29 repetitions. Such data indicate consistency in the test's performance across different demographics, reiterating it as a robust choice for schools.
The study highlights the essential role of examining muscular endurance in younger populations, linking it to broader health concerns. The authors emphasized that, "We believe that the assessment of muscular endurance during school age is relevant, as it can help prevent several common disorders, such as osteoporosis and sarcopenia, later in life." This points to the long-term benefits of engaging children in physical fitness assessments.
The development of percentile charts for the biceps curl test was another substantial outcome of the study. These charts provide reference values tailored to age and sex, making it easier for educators and trainers to monitor children's muscular development over time.
The percentile data reflected growth trends, showing the 50th percentile stabilized up to age 14 before leveling off, which can guide educational programs in optimizing physical development strategies tailored for various school levels. This statistical measurement is set to serve as a vital tool for physical educators aiming to encourage and enhance muscle endurance in young schoolchildren.
Furthermore, the study aligns with established theories regarding the importance of physical activity during the growth stage. Muscle strength and endurance help facilitate the development of critical daily living activities, promoting overall well-being.
As engaging in physical exercises during adolescence is crucial for healthy development, this test can serve as a valuable addition to school fitness programs. Physical education experts are encouraged to adopt the biceps curl test not only for its reliability but also for its ease of implementation.
The researchers concluded by asserting, "The proposed percentiles are useful for evaluating and monitoring endurance performance of both arms, considering age and sex." This further consolidates the test's role as a practical tool in school health assessments, emphasizing its applicability in training and rehabilitation programs.