On January 6, 2025, Kai Pflaume welcomed viewers to another engaging episode of his popular quiz show "Wer weiß denn sowas?" This installment featured prominent actors Simone Thomalla and Maria Ketikidou, who teamed up with team captains Bernhard Hoëcker and Elton, respectively. Known for its unique blend of entertainment and trivia, the show has become a staple of the ARD's evening programming.
Simone Thomalla, who is currently starring as Katja Baumann in the upcoming new season of the series "Frühling," and Maria Ketikidou, renowned for her long-standing role as Harry Möller on "Großstadtrevier," showcased their quick-wittedness and charm. Throughout the episode, Pflaume and the guests exchanged playful banter, especially when Thomalla remarked, "Es ist erstaunlich, wie schnell die Zeit vergeht. Wir werden echt schnell alt," reflecting on how quickly time flies.
The quiz show format consists of various categories, challenging the celebrity guests to answer trivia questions, with the goal of accumulating money for their chosen charities. Each correct answer can earn the team up to 500 Euros. After multiple rounds, the participants reach the all-important Master question, chosen by Pflaume, which can either double their earnings or lead to a loss.
During this episode, the Master question stemmed from the category of music: "Der Name welcher Band ist auch der Name einer Figur aus Charles Dickens' Roman 'David Copperfield'?" The options included Depeche Mode, Uriah Heep, and Lynyrd Skynyrd. Unfortunately for both teams, they incorrectly selected Lynyrd Skynyrd. Thomalla jokingly referenced the moment, stating, "Und es ist B," which turned out to be the right choice. This lighthearted moment was emblematic of the show's fun spirit.
The end result was disheartening as both teams returned to zero after the final question, leading to remarks from Pflaume like, "Da ist die ganze Kohle futsch, die Stimmung ist auch hin," highlighting the mood shift once the final tally was displayed. Nevertheless, he reassured everyone, stating, "Gelernt haben wir auch was, interessante Sachen haben wir auch erfahren. Und so ist es manchmal, auch so kann es bei uns ausgehen," acknowledging the educational aspect intertwined with the entertainment value of the trivia.
Despite not coming away with any winnings, Thomalla noted, "Wir haben es wieder geschafft," pointing to the shared experience of fun over competition. The dynamic between the guests and the hosts kept viewers engaged, making them forget the earlier missteps as they enjoyed the light-hearted camaraderie.
Each episode of "Wer weiß denn sowas?" serves not only as entertainment but as a playful exploration of knowledge, drawing millions of viewers. The show continues to resonate; averaging 3.3 million viewers nightly and attaining impressive market shares, as demonstrated since its new season began airing on October 7, 2024.
The upcoming episodes will also feature more famous personalities from various fields, ensuring the quiz show remains fresh and exciting. With Pflaume at the helm, blending humor with trivia, viewers are kept on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting who will take the stage next.