On January 30, 2025, the highly anticipated film 'Room Without a Key' was showcased at its premiere event held in Tokyo, featuring lead actors Yō Ōizumi, Shinichi Tsutsumi, and Kento Nagao. Following the film's screening, the actors participated in a lively Q&A session, delighting the audience with their playful banter and humorous anecdotes. During the event, Ōizumi discovered a mistake related to his character's name, which sparked laughter among cast and attendees alike.
The premiere was marked by interactions with the audience who had been armed with hand clappers to express their enthusiasm. When Nagao playfully declared, "Kento Nagao is cool, isn’t he?" the delighted crowd responded with uproarious clapping, leading Ōizumi to humorously complain, "It’s so noisy!" This light-hearted atmosphere underscored the warmth and camaraderie among the cast, with Ōizumi later pointing out the stark difference when he asked who thought he was the coolest, resulting in noticeably less clapping.
'Room Without a Key' is directed by Yū Irie, who previously garnered acclaim for his works like 'Confessions of the Killer' and 'An's Story.' The film is adapted from Ryosuke Kakine's novel, capturing the historical chaos of Kyoto just before the Onin War. The film was made all the more engaging through the chemistry between the actors, particularly the father-son dynamic between Ōizumi, portraying the notorious rebel Hiyō Shōen, and Nagao, who plays his devoted apprentice Saizō.
During the event, Ōizumi expressed gratitude to viewers who had attended multiple screenings, commenting, "Thank you so much for coming! It means the world to us, especially at such early morning events where we bond with our fans." This sentiment was echoed by Tsutsumi, who, alongside the cast, acknowledged the deep connection they had formed with their audience.
Reflecting on their experiences filming the movie, Nagao recounted the unexpected challenges faced during promotional activities. Just days earlier, on the popular television show 'Ariyoshi Seminars,' he attempted to indulge himself with extremely spicy foods, which led to comical repercussions. He shared, "I was having such trouble handling it! While Ōizumi was off promoting the film abroad, I was here battling these dishes. I kept thinking, 'If the star of the film can do this, so can I!'" This moment attracted laughter from guests, showcasing the sincerity and energy Nagao brought to the evening.
Each actor embraced the friendly exchanges during the Q&A, with Ōizumi playfully teasing Nagao about his spicy food ordeal. "Poor Kento! You had it rough there!" he exclaimed, prompting more laughter from the audience. Nagao cleverly responded, “Yes, but don’t worry about me. I managed to find two hours for the restroom after the live 3-hour concert I attended. All the thrills, and I was stuck listening to the sound from inside!”
For Nagao, the loving relationship he developed with Ōizumi on set transcended the film's narrative. He expressed appreciation during the premiere, saying, “Filming with Yō-san was marvelous. He’d ask, 'What do you love to eat?' I told him ‘sukiyaki,' and he took me out for it during one of our last meals! It showed how much he cared about me as his co-star.”
The audience appeared completely engaged as the trio shared stories, laughter, and inside jokes. Their chemistry illuminated the passion behind their craft, helping to set 'Room Without a Key' apart from traditional historical dramas. It’s encouraged discussions about the film's themes revolving around friendship, loyalty, and the chaotic historical backdrop of feudal Japan.
All three actors appeared genuinely thrilled to be celebrating the movie together, reinforcing the idea of community and shared storytelling within the film industry. With the importance of viewer interactions highlighted multiple times, Ōizumi quipped,