Star Academy, the beloved French reality show, has consistently played a pivotal role in shaping the careers of aspiring musicians since its inception. With season 12 recently underway, the show is not only spotlighting new talent, but also highlighting the lasting impact it has had on its participants, both during the competition and long after they leave the castle of Dammarie-Les-Lys.
The first semi-final took place on January 11, featuring contestants Charles and Marine, whose fates were sealed by Ebony during the prime time episode. While this choice disappointed Marine, it brought joy to Franck, who earned another two weeks at the castle as he prepares to face Ebony on January 18 for a chance to reach the finals. "From the very beginning, I've always said it, and I'll say it again, Ebony is too strong. It’s not because I’m afraid of Ebony but because I know her worth," expressed Franck, who shocked viewers by qualifying against Ulysse. He shared his enthusiasm for the upcoming duel by stating, "I don’t see this prime as Ebony against me; it will be Ebony with me. It’s going to be great!"
With their semi-final qualification, Charles, Ebony, Marine, and Franck have earned the privilege of recording their first singles, paving the way for their artistic careers as they transition from television fame to the music industry. This recording opportunity is especially significant as it bridges the gap between the conclusion of the show and the upcoming "Star Academy" tour set to kick off on February 21. Talented songwriters like Igit, who has worked with stars like Barbara Pravi and Christophe Willem, visited the finalists to help them cultivate their music styles. Their visit was well-received, particularly noting the impressive composition by contestant Marguerite.
During this intense phase of the show, Franck revealed his single would be based on a collaboration with Marine, openly expressing his emotions through the lyrics, singing, "Are we crazy to think about your hands, about us? To believe it without taboo, to push the end away." Meanwhile, Charles found himself starting from scratch as he had never written lyrics or taken singing lessons prior to Star Academy. The professionals crafted him a personalized song, with Igit encouraging him to trust his instincts, saying, "Just go for it because the musicality is amazing. Follow the vibe and do what feels most natural to you." Charles’ song will focus on his ambitions as a young artist, giving fans hope for future hits.
Ebony, known for her stirring rendition of Edith Piaf’s "Hymne à l'amour," is set to work on her original piece titled "Unforgettable," which she previously performed around the fire with artist Jérémy Frerot. Meanwhile, Marine's single “Ma faute” has already reached over one million listens on Spotify and is being reworked to appeal more effectively to radio audiences. Many have debated whether this change is necessary, with some believing the Spotify version will not translate well on the airwaves.
Despite the excitement of current contestants, the legacy of past participants remains strong, as many reflect on their experiences. Jenifer, the winner of the very first season, recently appeared on the show Quelle Époque! and discussed the overwhelming fame she encountered post-Star Academy. “It was such a media phenomenon; one had to be strong and well-supported,” she recounted. Her early years were shaped by this immense spotlight, noting, “I was young and completely carefree, and then I became a mother at 20, which brought me back down to earth.”
Reflecting on her time at the castle, Jenifer described how she forged friendships and discovered her identity as an artist. “At Star Ac, when I started meeting friends and sharing my passion with others, it helped me understand myself more,” she shared. Despite transitioning back to the real world after the show wrapped, Jenifer conveyed her gratitude for the experience, affirming it was instrumental to her development.
Though some have enjoyed prolonged success, others have faced hardships. Recently, former contestants Magalie Vaé and Cyril Cinélu offered insight on the less glamorous side of fame on their social media accounts. Magalie divulged her challenges with maintaining mental stability after competing, stating, "The psychological support was only available during the stay at the castle. When you leave, it’s up to you to seek help, and it can be costly."
Cyril, echoing her sentiments, remarked, "The façade of the show is beautiful, but the aftermath can devastate many contestants. If you’re told you’re going to be successful and then face anonymity, it’s hard to process it." Magalie shared her experience with sudden judgement following her victory, recalling, "I was asked to spend two months on weight loss, as they were not pleased with my album’s release timing—this reaction severely impacted my self-esteem.”
All three former contestants lamented the production's lack of support for mental health post-show, with Cyril adding, "Many young contestants are left to question their value when fame fades. He stressed the importance of proper guidance following their exit from the castle, as many can fall prey to depression and despair.
Despite the dark times faced by some, all three maintain their passion for music and continue to perform, proving the immense struggle to stay relevant in the cutthroat music business cannot overshadow their love for their art. Each artist's story—whether it speaks to struggles, triumphs, or the veritable rollercoaster of fame—enforces the notion of resilience needed to navigate the world of entertainment and the ever-expanding footprints of reality television.