Today : Mar 16, 2025
Arts & Culture
14 March 2025

Special Musical Event Celebrates Live-Action Snow White

Cast performs classic songs and shares insights at one-night-only event

A dazzling special musical event recently captivated fans of Disney’s live-action adaptation of Snow White, featuring the film’s talented cast on stage. The event took place on March 12, 2025, and showcased an ensemble of actors stepping directly from the beloved fairy tale to perform for fans.

Leading the performance was Yoshili, who portrays Snow White, alongside Tsukishiro Kanato as the Queen and Koshibu Junichi voicing the Magic Mirror. The seven dwarfs also had significant representation, voiced by Daisuke Tsuda, Akira Hino, Daisuke Hirakawa, and Daisuke Namikawa. This one-night-only event was not to be missed!

Yoshili expressed her excitement about the opportunity to meet Rachel Zegler, the actress known for originating the role of Snow White. “When I met her, I felt so moved. I thought to myself, ‘She’s the real deal!’ I was really happy,” she recalled during the performance, highlighting the strong impression Zegler left on her.

The event included several musical numbers from the upcoming film, with Yoshili taking the lead on the song "Kouboufuite Umekou." The dwarfs joined her for the lively rendition of "High Ho," creating a joyous atmosphere and engaging the audience with their energy.

During the performance, Tsukishiro portrayed the menacing Queen, delivering the iconic line: “Magic Mirror, who is the fairest in the world?” This line led directly to Koshibu's performance as the Magic Mirror, which the crowd eagerly anticipated.

Yoshili also captivated the audience with her rendition of "Dreams: Waiting On A Wish,” leaving the spectators enchanted and wanting more. Following the performance, she remarked, "I really felt nervous, but it was fun because I was not alone—everyone was there with me." Of the film's songs, she stated, “I believe each piece is wonderful and teaches us about true kindness and beauty.”

Tsukishiro shared her thoughts about the complexity of the Queen, expressing empathy for her character. "I tend to feel empathetic toward the Queen. Her obsession with beauty and power is incredibly fragile. She bore the weakness of envying others, forcing her to cling to her image," she explained, providing insight not only about her character but also about the thematic depth of the production.

Koshibu spoke about his role as the Magic Mirror, detailing his approach to voice acting. “I aimed to sound good and have a low, resounding voice. During auditions, we discussed achieving this effective tone. But, of course, I wanted to keep it from becoming too scary for younger audiences,” he added, reassuring parents and inviting families to enjoy the film.

The performers generated excitement as they shared some highlights of the premium dubbed version of Snow White. Tsuda expressed his enthusiasm for the numerous songs included, saying, “I hope everyone enjoys singing along; it would be great to have screenings where children can join in the fun and the theater becomes lively together.”

Tsukishiro emphasized the experience of watching the film dubbed in Japanese, saying, “I believe viewers will connect emotionally from various angles. Just one viewing isn't enough. I encourage you to watch it two or three times to truly absorb it!”

Taking the stage, Tsuda humorously described how he typically uses the Kansai dialect but had to adapt to standard Japanese for this role, joking about bickering with the director over his dialect. He quipped, “I said, ‘Let me speak Kansai dialect!’ and we had quite the tussle over it!”

Praising the emotional content of the dubbed version, Hirakawa shared, “I believe there are different emotions conveyed through this version compared to the subtitles. It’d be wonderful for audiences to experience both the subtitled and the premium dubbed version for two distinct takes on Snow White.”

Further contributing to the enthusiasm, Hino indicated the unique joy of songs within the premium dubbed version. Namikawa chimed in, noting the nuances of the performance, stating, “Watching it dubbed allows the acting to flow smoothly, making it feel much more natural. I hear both versions have turned out quite well, and I’m excited to see them!”

Wrapping up the event, Yoshili reflected on the film's fundamental message. “There’s certainly a message within this work about kindness and compassion being able to influence others and change the world. Personally, singing and delivering my lines reminded me to strive and be kinder every day. And of course, the romantic elements with Jonathan, as well as other exciting aspects, are packed tightly within it!” she concluded, inviting everyone to enjoy both versions.

The musical event successfully brought the magic of Disney to life through this talented cast, foreshadowing what audiences can expect from Snow White when it releases.