Today : Sep 19, 2024
16 September 2024

Social Media Shapes Young Australians' Sexual Lives

Increase in accessibility to explicit content raises alarms among experts and parents about youth well-being

Social Media Shapes Young Australians' Sexual Lives

Social media has become more than just a platform for communication; it has turnedinto pivotal ground zero for the sexual development of young Australians. Over time, multiple studies and insights from experts highlight how platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and even X (formerly Twitter) present unprecedented challenges when itcomes to shaping perceptions of sex and relationships among youth.

At the heart of the discussion lies the staggering statistic from the 2023 eSafety Commissioner report, indicating approximately 60 percent of 15 to 18-year-olds surveyed reported having encountered pornography on social media. This growing trend of exposure has prompted many to describe social media as the "gateway" to the ever-evolving world of pornography, where young users effortlessly transition from innocuous scrolling to stumbling upon explicit content.

For many young Australians, their first introduction to pornographic images often occurs long before they may be ready to comprehend the imagery or its impact. Take Matt and Adam*, for example, both now 19 and studying at university. They recalled their experiences when they were first exposed to pornography around the age of 13, stating, "At the time, all the boys in my year watched it." Adam added, "Porn spreads the idea of being 'a good man' as having sex with more women." This budding notion quickly escalates as access to sexually explicit content is just a click away through various social media profiles.

Social media platforms have ingrained themselves within the social fabric of youth, becoming engines for unrealistic portrayals of sexuality and relationships. Matt highlighted the pervasive nature of adult content on platforms: "It is just a couple clicks away when you go to their bio, andthat just happens in the algorithm." This convenience, coupled with easy access, raises questions about the influence pornography has on their perceptions of women and sexual encounters. Experts agree on the grim nature of these influences, indicating it teaches young people to view girls as objects devoid of humanity—just "three holes and two hands," as one professor starkly described.

The detrimental impacts of this reality are hard to overstate. Megan Rollings, co-director of the Stop Campaign and current student of the AustralianNational University, observed how early exposure to pornography affects peer interactions within young settings. She recalled how peers limited their sexual relationships to harmful dynamics only introduced through pornographic material. "Someone I know joined the bandwagon of early sexual activity engaged largely through porn, starting her on a very harmful path. She accepted what the boys wanted, feeling resigned to their demands."

More than simply being encountered, the social mediaEra is characterized by what Queensland University of Technology's Professor Michael Flood termed the "pornification" of social media. He expressed concern about the normalization of explicit content on such platforms. "The line between porn and non-porn content has blurred significantly, causing children and young people increasingly to view sexualized images as commonplace," he explained.

Experts like Maree Crabbe from the violence prevention project, It's Time We Talked, and sexologist Vanessa Thompson warn of the repercussions this alludes to. The rising consumption of pornographic material on social media has been linked to various unhealthy attitudes about consent and personal body image among youth. More children are subtly introduced to concepts of sexual violence, as highlighted by Crabbe's findings: "A troubling recent study showed 57 percent of young Australians faced strangulation during sex, with influences from explicit content they had viewed online."

This exposure to harmful narratives, paired with the inconsistency with which sex education is offered, leaves youth at risk of maldeveloped sexual understandings as they transition to adulthood. Dr. Thompson emphasizes how pervasive sexualized content affects comparisons young individuals make when thinking about their bodies or their partners' bodies. With women feeling pressured over issues related to their physical appearances, such as breast size or labia anxieties, nearly one-quarter of young women indicate dissatisfaction or anxiety over their bodies due to early sexualization online.

Consequently, as young people navigate the complex intersection of social media and sexual awareness, parents remain left to navigate uncharted waters as they raise children within this digital onslaught. Susan McLean, noted cyber safety expert, expressed her primary concern—parents are often ill-equipped to protect their children from the harms they may face online.

Recent statistics from the Australian Federal Police (AFP) indicate shocking trends of reported online child abuse, with over 58,000 cases reported last financial year alone—a staggering 45 percent increase from the year before. What remains equally alarming is the recognition among cyber-safety experts such as Yasmin London, who advocate for parents to establish boundaries and expectations around technology use, similar to how they would with real-life encounters: "Just like we wouldn't hand over the keys to a car to a child who hasn't learned the rules, it is imperative we impose similar structures around online platforms."

Yet all hope is not lost; experts like Julie Grant, eSafety Commissioner, advocate proactive measures. She suggests parents should consistently review the privacy and safety settings of apps used by their children, increasing awareness of any potentially harmful content their children may encounter online. Research also highlights the integral role parents play as gatekeepers, helping steer their children toward safe practices online.

Returning to Simon Holmes' family, he tries to implement responsible tech engagement within his own household—a mixed bag of approaches, including monitoring social media usage for his children. “We believe they should learn how to use it responsibly, but it’s difficult with external pressures.” He understands the pressures, feeling the challenge to guide children when it seems their peers have unlimited access; unfortunately, many parents do not set boundaries or possess the same knowledge. "I know there are some friends who access anything and everything without any moderation," Holmes lamented.

Living in this digital age means confronting numerous challenges, especially concerning balance—between parental supervision and independence for their children, especially when tech is involved. Parents are caught perpetually balancing the potential benefits tech brings to their lives, against the lurking dangers simultaneously waiting to emerge. Acknowledging the indisputable influence of social media on sexual development is merely the beginning; addressing and mitigating the restrictive pathways is where real change is necessary.

Meanwhile, the reality remains clear: rampant exposure to pornographic content and toxic sexual narratives leaves youth vulnerable to accepting unhealthy views on relationships and consent. Thereon, it becomes a societal responsibility—to acknowledge, educate, and seek changes necessary to safeguard young Australians from future harms induced by the digitalization of sexual content.

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