Snow Man, the popular Japanese idol group, captivated audiences this past December 15 during the first of their much-anticipated Tokyo Dome concerts. The performance was remarkable not only as part of their nationwide tour titled "RAYS" but also because it marked the return of member Hikaru Iwamoto, who had been sidelined for several weeks following nasal surgery. Adding to the excitement, the concert was live-streamed on YouTube, attracting unprecedented viewership.
According to the website PLAYBOARD, which tracks YouTube metrics, the live stream saw peak simultaneous viewers of 535,583—a record number. The colorful display of glow sticks from fans lit up the venue, enhancing the already vibrant atmosphere as the nine-member group took to the stage dressed in sleek monochromatic outfits accented with gold decorations.
With energy surging through the crowd, Snow Man began the concert with cheers and interaction with their fans, quickly transitioning to the highlight of the night: the premiere of their new song, "SBY." This song serves as the theme for the upcoming film "Trillion Game," starring lead member Meguro Ren, which is set to be released on February 14, 2025. Fans were excited to see Ren take center stage, performing with his bandmates against the atmospheric backdrop of the Tokyo Dome.
"It's truly important for us," Meguro stated, visibly moved after their performance. He expressed gratitude and happiness at being able to share this debut performance with both the fans present and those watching online. The song, described as having impressive piano echoes and electronic beats, allowed the members to showcase their signature dance formations.
After the performance, Ren shared his excitement with the attendees. "I'm truly happy to have performed this song for the first time. I appreciate everyone's support and hope you look forward to our new best album!" This album, titled The Best 2020 - 2025, is set to release on January 22, 2024, and includes "SBY" along with other hit tracks from their catalog.
The song's lyrics resonate with gratitude and optimism, perfectly reflecting Snow Man's message to their fans: "It's not just me who has come this far; it's because you were there for me." With these words, the group aimed to uplift the spirits of all who listened.
Other members shared their thoughts about the performance and the new track as well. One member simply remarked, "Dancing was just simply fun," highlighting the joy the group experiences on stage. Another added, "The lyrics are really great and emotionally impactful!" Clearly, the camaraderie and enthusiasm among the group members are infectious, making the concert experience special for everyone involved.
Yet, it wasn’t all serious performances and heartfelt moments. During the MC segment of the show, Ryota Miyadate made headlines with his unexpected humor. Cueing up his segment, he stepped forward and exclaimed, "I broke my pants," drawing gasps and giggles from the audience. Other members quickly jumped to check him, with one even kneeling down to conduct the inspection after alerting the audience to the mishap. This led to playful banter and laughter throughout the group, with Miyadate holding up Snow Man's concert towel to cover the unexpected wardrobe malfunction. The whole scene brought light-heartedness to the event and showcased the group's genuine interactions with one another.
With performances lined up through December 18, Snow Man aims to gather approximately 220,000 attendees across this four-day event at Tokyo Dome alone, showcasing the significant strength of their fanbase. Their future concerts across five cities are expected to draw crowds totaling around 615,000, proving the idol group's growing popularity.
This concert not only signified the return of Iwamoto but also acted as a launching pad for Snow Man’s creative endeavors, moving forward with their new music and performances. Their dedicated fan interaction and commitment to delivering engaging performances have set the stage for even greater success, making all eyes look forward to the album's release and their continued performances.