On January 22, 2025, Snow Man will mark its impressive fifth debut anniversary with an extravagant celebration across various media platforms. The popular Japanese boy band is set to dominate several morning television programs, creating what fans are calling a "Snow Man festival." This exciting event will commence bright and early, with appearances on major networks, including Nippon TV’s ZIP!, TBS’s THE TIME and Lavit, and Fuji TV’s Mezamashi TV, starting from 6 AM.
The crowning moment of this day will come at 9 PM when the group hosts their official YouTube live stream titled, "Snow Man デビュー5周年!みんなで祝っちゃおう生配信" (Let’s Celebrate Snow Man’s 5th Anniversary Together). This event is highly anticipated, not only for the performances but also for fan interactions, making it accessible for fans unable to attend the live shows.
What makes this anniversary even more special is the release of Snow Man's first best album, THE BEST 2020 – 2025, on the same day. This compilation will include fan-favorite tracks and showcases the group's evolution over the past five years. The music industry eagerly awaits this release, reflecting Snow Man's growing influence and popularity since its debut.
Each participating program promises to thoroughly highlight Snow Man’s impressive accomplishments and allow fans to revisit their greatest hits. The live set-ups and vibrant performances are expected to keep viewers engaged and entertained. Snow Man’s commitment to creating memorable television experiences underlines their dedication to fans who have supported them throughout their career.
On social media, Snow Man has urged fans to join the festivities using the hashtag #Snowversary0122, promising to make this celebration one for the books. The mention of their anniversary evokes nostalgia, as many fans can attest to following the group’s humble beginnings and remarkable growth.
With both the album launch and their extensive media schedule, January 22 is set to become a significant date for Snow Man and its fanbase. From morning news segments to interactive online celebrations, Snow Man is planning to engage its followers at every turn. The album’s release is anticipated to dominate music charts, solidifying their place within the industry.
By the end of the day, fans are set to experience not just the joy of celebrating Snow Man's achievements but also the excitement of what lies ahead for this dynamic group, continuing to captivate audiences across Japan and beyond.