Shokenai, the renowned Japanese comedian and television personality, took to the airwaves on January 5, 2024, during his show, 'Shokenai's Sunday Show.' Reflecting on the past year, he shared insights about the numerous new programs he hosted which featured various guests.
Throughout 2024, Shokenai emphasized the importance of thorough preparation for his interviews. "If you don’t prepare properly, it’s disrespectful and it’s easy to tell if you’re slacking off," he stated, underlining how he dedicates time to researching his guests' recent works, including their performances and music releases.
Looking back on his previous encounters, Shokenai recounted his upcoming interview with actor Nagatsuka Kyosan, indicating he had already watched Nagatsuka’s film, 'Enemy,' to engage more deeply during the discussion. This diligence stemmed from his past experiences of working with Nagatsuka, who he had brotherly chemistry with during the popular 1989 drama 'Imadoki Ginza Monogatari Bonbon.'
Interestingly, during the filming of their show, Shokenai admitted to initially not knowing Nagatsuka was his on-screen brother. "I learned he was my brother only after we had filmed eight episodes together," he reminisced. He humorously remarked, "Nagatsuka is very intelligent," attributing this to the differences between their dialects—Osaka and Tokyo. His unfamiliarity with Nagatsuka's identity at the time was partly due to limited conversation opportunities during the shoots.
Shokenai described how he and Nagatsuka’s relationship was marked by his lack of recognition, as he often didn’t realize their on-screen connection. "You can read the atmosphere, so if someone seems the type not to talk much, I wouldn’t push it," he reflected on the nature of their interactions. On the contrary, he had a more open rapport with fellow actor Nakai Kiichi, from the same drama. "This person was my brother?" he joked about his oblivion toward Nakai's role, showcasing his laid-back approach to relationship-building.
Shokenai humorously characterized Nakai’s personality, saying, "He has the personality of an old lady," which may explain why he felt at ease enough to engage more freely with him, indicating how comfort levels can drastically vary among colleagues.
The reunion with Nagatsuka, occurring over three decades later, raises questions about whether Shokenai will finally reveal the truth about their filming past. Though not specified during the show, it can be presumed he wishes to connect the long-lost dots now after years of absence and misunderstanding.
By the end of the conversation, Shokenai indicated his eagerness to build on interesting encounters and connections with his guests moving forward, voicing optimism for 2025 and expressing his hope to continue fostering intriguing relationships through his show.