On January 30, 2025, Shiroyuki Mei, the wife of actor Nagase Tomoya, shared heartwarming updates about her children on Instagram, showcasing their latest creative endeavors.
Mei posted enchanting pictures of her kids engaged in glass-making activities which she described as joyful learning moments, highlighting their fascination with crafting. She shared the caption, "モノづくりが好きな子ども達" ("Children who love creating things"), reflecting the creativity flourishing within her household.
Accompanying her photos, she expressed how her children enthusiastically participated by selecting their favorite colors and even grappling with the decision to add bubbles to their creations. "好きな色味を自分で選んだり、泡をつけるかつけないか悩んだり、ひとりずつお姉さんの説明をきいて五感をフル回転させて動いているさまに成長を感じる今日このごろ" ("They each choose their favorite colors and ponder whether to add bubbles or not, fully engaged and responsive to the instructor's guidance, I feel their growth lately").
The three photographs captured the essence of the day: focused drafting, organized chaos of creativity, and the finished products—delightful glass paperweights. Mei expressed her admiration for the completed pieces, describing them as almost planetary, saying she would be able to gaze at them forever.
Social media users responded with encouragement and compliments, expressing sentiments like, "綺麗にできましたねぇ" ("You made it beautifully"), and "ステキなペーパーウエイトですね" ("That's a lovely paperweight"). The comments reflect not only admiration for the children’s artwork but also support for their creative explorations, fostering a sense of community around Mei's family life.
Mei and Tomoya married back in November 2016 and welcomed their first son, who is now six years old, followed by their daughter, now five, showcasing how their family has blossomed over the years. The photos shared demonstrate the nurturing of talents and interests from such young ages, reinforcing the thoughtful parenting approach they seem to embody.
This shared moment transcended mere parental pride, emphasizing how creativity and hands-on experiences contribute significantly to child development. Whether it’s selecting colors or learning to work with glass, these activities not only serve as family bonding time but also play integral roles in shaping their children's personalities and skills.
Overall, Shiroyuki Mei's insightful post offered cherished glimpses of motherhood wrapped with creativity, serving as inspiration for many other parents to engage their children through creative and artistic pursuits. It’s clear this talented family is cultivating more than just artistic skills; they are building confidence and cherished memories along the way.