Shirley Ballas, the well-known judge from the BBC's acclaimed show Strictly Come Dancing, has found herself at the center of troubling events recently, following charges of stalking against 37-year-old Kyle Shaw. The prosecution alleged Shaw engaged in persistent online harassment of Ballas from 2017 to 2023, causing her serious distress and impacting her everyday activities. Shaw appeared at South Sefton Magistrates' Court on January 31, 2025, where he faced accusations of stalking and possession of cannabis. He made no pleas during the court session, and disturbing revelations about his actions have come to light.
Details from the court indicated Shaw's behavior included sending numerous messages online, which amounted to stalking and caused alarm and distress to the 64-year-old judge. His specified address was noted as the YMCA located in the region, and following these allegations, he has been prohibited from entering London or contacting Ballas through any means, including social media.
Revisiting the series of events leading to the charge, Ballas herself became increasingly alarmed. Just five months prior, she had to call the police after witnessing another man taking pictures of her home and car. Disturbingly, this individual also lunged at her during one encounter. Reflecting on the rise of such incidents, Ballas stated, "I like to be kind of like a free bird, but we’re coming to times now where you have to be more vigilant of yourself.” She emphasized the importance of safety measures, saying she now routinely informs her family when she arrives at different locations, ensuring they are aware of her whereabouts.
Despite these unsettling incidents, she expressed gratitude for the support and duty of care provided by the BBC, saying, "Thankfully the BBC’s duty of care toward me has been one thousand per cent. They have been fantastic." Ballas highlighted the proactive measures taken to protect her, noting how security staff have walked her from her hotel to the event venues and checked on her well-being.
On the other side of her public life, Shirley Ballas also embraces her career as a dance coach with immense passion. During her recent 'Dance with Us' tour, she made stops across various venues, including the Topaz Dance Centre in Garston, Liverpool, where she interacts with fans and teaches dance techniques. It was there where correspondent Ann O'Connor caught up with her, capturing the vibrant energy of the session, where even freezing January conditions couldn't dampen the spirits of Ballas' dedicated fans.
Engaging with attendees, Ballas shared insights about her commitment to dance education, asserting, "Strictly is my Saturday job really. I never gave up my real job, which is coaching beautiful dancers all over the world, from the age of four right up to the seniors. I love my job and I would never have gave up when I was offered Strictly at the age of 57." Her dedication to nurturing dancers is evidently not only fulfilling for her personally but also contributes positively to the larger dance community.
Working alongside Nikita Kuzmin, the Ukrainian dancer and choreographer, Ballas led her dance class on this chilly day, encouraging beginners and seasoned dancers alike to explore their abilities on the dance floor. Reflecting on the influence of dance on overall well-being, Ann Atherton, who runs the Topaz Dance Centre, expressed her belief, stating, “We know dance can be good for mental health and for fitness.” This sentiment aligns with Ballas' mission to spread the joy of dance far and wide.
With the duality of her experiences—navigated through the pressures of public scrutiny, personal safety concerns, and the vibrancy of her dance career—Ballas stands as a resilient figure. Her reflections on safety spurred by recent events indicate the changing times and the need for heightened awareness around personal security. Yet, her commitment to dance and fostering talent exemplifies her enduring passion and dedication, illuminating the path forward as she continues to inspire dancers both new and experienced.