Sean Hannity, the renowned host of the Fox News Channel, and Ainsley Earhardt, co-host of the popular morning show Fox & Friends, have officially announced their engagement. The couple, who had captured the interest of fans and followers for years, celebrated their commitment on Christmas Day with Hannity’s proposal at their home church, highlighting their strong faith as the cornerstone of their relationship.
After the joyous occasion, the couple expressed their happiness during an announcement made on the Fox News Channel. "We are overjoyed and so thankful to our families for all of their love and support during this wonderful time in our lives," they stated. The engagement was not only well-received by the couple but also garnered the blessing and support from their children, who "couldn’t be happier," reflecting the positive family dynamics at play.
The location of the proposal, described by Hannity and Earhardt as "the perfect place," was significant, as it resonates with their shared religious beliefs. The couple has placed God first in their relationship, reinforcing their deep commitment to each other. Following the proposal, they met with their minister, keeping some aspects of their private lives away from the media spotlight.
Hannity, who turns 63 soon, resides primarily in Florida, whereas Earhardt, 48, maintains her base in New York, where she continues to co-host Fox & Friends. Despite the geographical distance, the couple has managed to maintain their long-distance relationship through weekend visits, showing dedication to each other and balance with their professional lives. "With mutual respect for each other’s careers, both Hannity and Earhardt have long-term deals to remain at Fox News Media," reported the network.
The couple’s previous marriages have also shaped their new relationship. Hannity divorced Jill Rhodes, with whom he shares two children, Patrick and Merri, back in 2020 after nearly 29 years of marriage. Meanwhile, Earhardt finalized her divorce from former Clemson quarterback Will Proctor, with whom she shares her daughter, after their split became official in 2019. Both Hannity and Earhardt have emphasized their amicable relationships with their ex-spouses, stating, "We actually made them aware this was happening ahead of time," and noting the supportive environment cultivated for their children.
Rumors of Hannity and Earhardt’s romantic relationship began circulating around 2019, but it wasn’t until April of this year, as confirmed by, when their relationship was publicly acknowledged. Since then, the couple has been seen together on various occasions including family outings, showcasing the blend of their lives and families.
Despite the challenges of being public figures, both hosts have made clear they prefer to keep much of their personal lives private. Hannity, who has held the highest-rated program at 9 PM for the past 15 years, has become known for his outspokenness and dedication to conservative values, backed by his numerous accolades during his time on Fox News. He joined the network during its inception in 1996, co-hosting Hannity & Colmes and later becoming its longest-running cable news host.
Earhardt, joining Fox News in 2007, holds her ground as one of the beloved faces of morning news, having contributed to Fox & Friends for over 20 years. She is also recognized for her accomplishments as the author of several bestselling books and her educational accolades, one of which includes receiving an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from the University of South Carolina.
Moving forward, Hannity and Earhardt look forward to building their lives together, weaving their families and values as they continue their careers as influential media personalities. Their Christmas engagement is just the beginning of what they envision as a joyful, faith-driven partnership.
With their strong bond and shared principles, the couple has set the stage for what promises to be not only a lasting marriage but also a role model relationship for blended families.