Sayuri Koyanagi, the talented 30-year-old actress and radio personality, shared exciting news on January 4, announcing her marriage to renowned playwright and director Kenta Hakata, 48. The announcement came during her live internet radio program, 'Saireek Channel,' captivating her listeners with personal insights.
During the opening of the show, Sayuri expressed, “I, Sayuri Koyanagi, married Kenta Hakata, who I have been dating for some time!” Her tone was filled with happiness and excitement as she revealed, “I believe everyone who listens to this program is truly supportive and shows love to Sayuri Koyanagi, and so I wanted to tell everyone here first.”
Koyanagi shared more than just the announcement; she reflected on the couple's history, which began when Kenta directed her in the play 'The Prince Who Was Beheaded and the Foolish Woman' back in 2021. Their relationship blossomed over time, and they became inseparable.
The couple's engagement moment was particularly touching. Sayuri reminisced, “He sang 'Will You Come to My Side' when he proposed!” She vividly recalled how she was moved to tears during the milestone moment, sharing the details of Kenta getting down on one knee and asking for her hand. “I was so emotional. He told me, ‘I want the right to create many opportunities to see your smiling face,’” she shared, capturing the essence of their love story.
Sayuri's announcement was met with overwhelming support, prompting immediate reactions across various media platforms. Her openness about her relationship and engagement struck a chord with fans, who flocked to social media to offer congratulations and express their happiness for the couple.
Not only has 2023 been memorable professionally for Sayuri, who starred as the lead actress in the NHK morning drama 'Tora ni Tsubasa,' but it has also been remarkable on a personal level with her marriage. She noted, “This year has been full of joy, both at work and at home.”
Having confirmed their marriage registration last year, Koyanagi emphasized the importance of transparency with her audience. She stated, “I wanted to share this news personally because this is about our lives.” Her desire to connect authentically with her fans mirrors the genuine nature of her personality, which has endeared her to many.
Friends and acquaintances of the couple expressed their delight at the union, remarking on their compatibility and shared affection. “We are all convinced they will be very happy together,” one close friend mentioned.
Kenta Hakata has made significant contributions to theater, having directed performances for several years, including popular adaptations of famous works. This artistic background creates a strong bond between the couple, aligning with Sayuri's own artistic pursuits.
Fans are eager to see how their relationship will evolve as they support each other’s careers, and both have expressed joy at this new chapter. Koyanagi concluded her broadcast with hopes for what lies ahead, proclaiming, “Every day, we’re finding reasons to laugh together. I hope we can continue living our lives joyfully as ourselves.”
Through their heartfelt announcements and shared experiences, Sayuri Koyanagi and Kenta Hakata's love story adds to the narrative of art and life intertwining, representing hope and love for their fans and followers. They encapsulate the idea of personal and professional lives flourishing harmoniously, and many are left inspired by their genuine affection and the exciting path they have chosen together.