Sayaka Okada, the talented model and professional Mahjong player representing the KADOKAWA Sakuranights, issued a public apology on January 28 for inappropriate comments she made directed at fellow commentator Yuri Ito during the M-League broadcast. The incident has sparked considerable debate surrounding respect and professionalism within sports commentary.
The controversy erupted following the January 24 live-streamed public viewing of the M-League, where viewers witnessed Okada on-camera, critiquing Ito, saying, "Can't you speak more clearly, considering you can't even understand Mahjong?" This comment was picked up across social media platforms, leading to accusations of being disrespectful and insufferable toward amateurs participating or interested in the game.
By January 25, following immense backlash, Okada expressed her remorse through her social media account, stating, "I take full personal responsibility. I am truly sorry to everyone who felt uncomfortable due to my remarks. I will reflect upon my actions." With the continuing backlash and trending discussions surrounding the Sakuranights on platforms like X (formerly Twitter), the team also formally issued their statement of apology on January 27, emphasizing the hurt caused by Okada's comments.
During the January 28 interview after her second game, where she unfortunately placed fourth, Okada reiterated her apology, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to address the situation directly to Ito on camera. "I sincerely apologize for my words, and I feel overwhelmed with regret not just for her but also for the fans of M-League and viewers present. Moving forward, I am committed to maintaining my professionalism and being more aware of my words and actions, especially concerning my colleagues," she stated with sincerity.
Okada's comments had drawn considerable criticism as social media erupted with reactions labeling her words as "offensive" and "disturbing." Many users expressed their discomfort, with remarks such as "That's very inappropriate!" and "It's disheartening to see the denial of amateur players.' This controversy shines light on the ecological dynamics of sports commentary, raising questions about the line professionals can cross when discussing newcomers or less experienced individuals.
Comedian and fellow public figure So-shin discussed the incident on his YouTube channel, where he asserted, "This type of comment is not acceptable. It's inherently rude. And to say this sort of thing casually is symptomatic of poor character." While he acknowledged Okada's professional status as both a model and Mah-jong player, he argued against the sentiment behind her comments. He reinforced the importance of fostering interest among fans, regardless of their current knowledge or expertise.
He reiterated the potential role for engaging beginner perspectives during professional interviews, mentioning, "The discussion is often overlooked, and beginner insights may actually contribute to the sport's growth. It’s about making it accessible rather than exclusive." His perspective brought some support to Okada's initial sentiments, distinguishing between her delivery and intent.
Born on February 19, 1994, and educated at Aoyama Gakuin University, Sayaka Okada has established her reputation via her dual career as both model and professional Mahjong player. Thanks to her elegant stature, at 170 cm, she has been affectionately nicknamed "Yaku-man Body" due to her curves and modeling success.
Despite her rising fame, the backlash following this incident presents significant challenges for Okada, potentially impacting her career as she aims to navigate the waters of public sentiment and personal accountability.
These recent events invite contemplation on the toxic nature of dismissive language toward players, particularly when it involves reporters who may not possess extensive knowledge about the game. Through her apologies, Okada's hope seems to be redirecting the conversation to focus on inclusivity, respect, and the importance of allowing space for people at all skill levels to enjoy Mahjong.
Okada stated during her apologies, "Thank you for allowing me to express this, and I hope to grow from this experience. Let's move forward positively together." Her remarks reflect not just her accountability, but also her desire to create change and promote growth going forward for both herself and the Mahjong community as she continues to chase her dreams within this professionally demanding sphere.