French actor Samuel Le Bihan undertook an extraordinary and grueling physical transformation for his role as Yves Parlier, the renowned sailor, in the new biopic Seul, which premiered on November 4, 2024, on France 2. This intense television film, directed by Pierre Isoard, tells the remarkable story of Parlier’s participation in the illustrious Vendée Globe sailing race.
During his pursuit to portray this groundbreaking figure, Le Bihan found himself delving deep not only emotionally but also physically, braving the very elements of the ocean to film the harrowing story. Over the course of one-and-a-half months, from April to May 2023, the actor faced extreme conditions primarily along the coasts of Brittany and Pays de la Loire. These rugged landscapes served as both his setting and his greatest challenge.
“It was very exhausting!” Le Bihan remarked to Télé Loisirs. He shed 10 kilograms to embody the character more authentically, and he described the fatigue he experienced as both debilitating and enriching to his portrayal of the driven sailor. “I was so invested in my performance; it completely consumed me.”
The film follows Yves Parlier’s true-life ordeal as he embarks on the Vendée Globe race. The story takes a dramatic turn when, mid-ocean, Parlier’s mast breaks, forcing him to grapple with seemingly insurmountable obstacles to complete the race. Lauded as one of the most challenging sporting events globally, it places tremendous physical and mental demands on its participants, which were mirrored by Le Bihan’s filming experience.
Le Bihan’s preparation extended beyond physicality; he limited his food intake to roughly 1000 calories per day to more accurately portray the penniless resolve characteristic of sailors who often face hunger during such rigorous voyages. The actor expressed the toll this took on him, noting, “When you’re on such a diet, you’re perpetually hungry and exhausted. It took me several weeks to recover after filming.”
He also faced emotional challenges throughout production. “I couldn’t even join my crew for beers after work. It was isolative,” Le Bihan confessed, emphasizing how this self-imposed distance was part of his commitment to authentically portraying the character’s grit.
Despite being no stranger to the sea—having learned navigation from his father, who was a fisherman—Le Bihan admitted to suffering from seasickness during the shoot. He recalled, “There was one day I spent the entire time vomiting. It was all trials and tribulations.”
He described making this film as laden with difficulties, echoing the sentiments of sailors facing relentless weather conditions and psychological challenges. “If you want to have the maximum number of problems, go make a film at sea! Since we didn’t have the means to shoot in the studio, we worked exclusively with reality. We were too hot, too cold. We adapted to the weather but were utterly exhausted,” he recalled.
Le Bihan’s dedication is palpable not just through his weight loss but visibly through his physical appearance on screen. Sporting a rugged beard and noticeably gaunt facial features, he seemed to encapsulate the spirit of Parlier, who is characterized by resilience and solitary determination. “This immersive experience did not come without its consequences. I was physically and mentally drained,” he stated.
What makes Seul particularly compelling is not only Le Bihan’s metamorphosis but also the authenticity of the performances—rooted heavily due to the real conditions under which the scenes were filmed. His reflection on this transformative experience sheds light on the depths actors often go to bring true stories to life, emphasizing the mission of Seul as more than just another retelling of nautical adventure, but as a saga of survival, determination, and relentless human spirit.
Through his portrayal, Samuel Le Bihan transcends typical acting, embodying the spirit and struggles of Yves Parlier, resulting in what may become one of his most memorable performances to date.