Sam Dylan, the captivating 33-year-old reality star, made headlines with his extravagant departure to the Australian jungle camp on January 17, 2025. Known for his larger-than-life persona, Sam embraced the spotlight even before boarding his flight at Frankfurt Airport, where he was accompanied by his equally eye-catching partner, Rafi Rachek, and security personnel shrouded in mystery.
Dylan, adorned in a black outfit decorated with plush koalas, shimmering sequins, and silver cowboy boots, was anything but understated. "Sowas hat man, glaube ich, noch nicht gesehen. Die einen finden es vielleicht skurril. Ich finde es vogue," he proclaimed during an interview with RTL, showcasing his signature flair. He expressed the importance of making such a grand departure memorable, stating, "Ich finde auch, so einen Abflug ins Dschungelcamp, das macht man nur einmal im Leben und das muss man auch ein bisschen zelebrieren." Indeed, he seemed to relish every moment of the occasion.
Adding to the spectacle were two security staff members sporting Guy Fawkes masks, giving the entire scene a sense of theatricality and drama. Despite the stylish ensemble, Sam candidly questioned its practicality for the nearly 30-hour flight to Australia. "Wahrscheinlich werde ich gleich richtig gefilzt," he humorously anticipated, "Das ist wahrscheinlich schon meine erste Dschungelprüfung." Little did he know, the travel would be rife with challenges.
Compounding the excitement was Rafi Rachek, who faced the emotional weight of his father’s recent passing. Despite this heavy burden, Rafi remained steadfastly by Sam’s side, highlighting the importance of support during tough times. "Ich bin froh, dass er trotz alledem mitkommt. [...] Er braucht jetzt auch Ablenkung," Sam shared, reflecting on the necessity of companionship amid adversity.
After their departure from Frankfurt, the couple made their first stop at Singapore, where Sam took to Instagram to narrate their travel experience. Although fatigue was evident, they appeared buoyed by the shopping and amenities at the luxury airport, rejuvenated for their onward flight.
Eventually arriving at Brisbane, Sam’s excitement turned to concern as he recounted the arduous nature of the flight. He described it as akin to facing reality TV challenges: "Ich dachte schon, ich bin irgendwo bei einer Prüfung," he said, referring to the turbulence they encountered. Despite the unsettling bumps, he remained grateful for the service received during their business-class adventure.
With the Dschungelcamp scheduled to premiere on January 24, 2025, anticipation is building for this latest installment of "Ich bin ein Star – Holt mich hier raus!" This season will feature twelve diverse celebrities vying for the coveted jungle crown, promising ample drama and entertainment for viewers. Moderated by the familiar duo of Sonja Zietlow and Jan Köppen, the show is set to air daily at 8:15 PM on RTL and stream on RTL+.
Among the competitors joining Sam are notable figures from various sectors, including athletics and entertainment, ensuring captivating contests and engaging dynamics. The stage is perfectly set for the 18th season of Dschungelcamp, and fans are eager to witness the trials and triumphs of the stars as they navigate the challenges of jungle life— and for Sam, this is just the beginning of what promises to be a nail-biting adventure!