Today : Feb 22, 2025
21 February 2025

Ryszard Wilk Expelled From Sejm For Intoxication

The Konfederacja MP admits struggles with alcoholism and seeks therapy after disruptive behavior during parliamentary session.

Ryszard Wilk, a member of the Polish parliament representing the Konfederacja party, was expelled from the Sejm during a notable parliamentary session due to his apparent intoxication. The incident took place on February 21, 2025, during Prime Minister Donald Tusk's address to the assembly.

Wilk’s disruptive behavior drew immediate attention. While Tusk was delivering his speech, Wilk shouted remarks from his seat, prompting the Deputy Marshal, Dorota Niedziela, to intervene. She cautioned Wilk, asking him if he could hear her and urging him to refrain from shouting. Despite this warning, he continued to cause disruptions. Following this, Marshal of the Sejm, Szymon Hołownia, stepped in decisively, stating, "Zdaje się, że nie jest pan w stanie uczestniczyć w obradach" (It seems you are unable to participate in the proceedings). He ordered Wilk to leave the chamber, with his fellow party member, Grzegorz Płaczek, escorting him out.

This event has raised significant questions about conduct within the Polish parliament. Hołownia has called for tougher measures to prevent similar occurrences, announcing plans to file for Wilk's punishment, which could result in the maximum fine of 20,000 złotys, especially noting, "Nie ma zgody na warcholstwo. Kończymy długą tradycję tolerowania obecności pijanych posłów" (There is no tolerance for unruliness. We end the long tradition of toleration of drunk MPs).

Following the incident, Ryszard Wilk publicly apologized via the social media platform X, stating, "Bardzo przepraszam wszystkich za moje wczorajsze zachowanie. Oddaję się do dyspozycji klubu. Starałem się sumiennie wykonywać obowiązki posła, ale przegrywam z chorobą alkoholową" (I sincerely apologize to everyone for my behavior yesterday. I submit myself to the club's discretion. I have tried to perform my duties faithfully as a deputy, but I am struggling with alcoholism). He acknowledged past attempts to remedy his situation, saying these efforts had failed, and asserted his commitment to seek therapy for his alcoholism, noting, "Moim kolejnym krokiem będzie terapia i poddanie się leczeniu" (My next step will be therapy and undergoing treatment).

The political community has reacted with sympathetic yet stern sentiments. Grzegorz Płaczek voiced concerns about Wilk's condition, affirming the club's need to support Wilk’s struggles with alcohol but also acknowledging the necessity of accountability. Płaczek remarked, "Nie potrzebujemy takich sytuacji w kampanii, która tak dobrze nam idzie" (We don’t need such situations during a campaign that's going so well), indicating the potential impact of Wilk's behavior on the Konfederacja’s political image.

This is not the first time Wilk has found himself embroiled in controversy. Historically, he was involved in incidents related to alcohol, including being found incapacitated on the road where he failed to respond to police assistance, which raised serious concerns about his ability to perform his duties as an MP. Such incidents complicate both his political career and personal life, making the support he seeks all the more urgent.

Hołownia's offer of assistance for Wilk demonstrates the growing concern about the mental health and well-being of parliament members. He stated, "Jeżeli nie wie, gdzie szukać pomocy, to my mu jako Kancelaria Sejmu pomożemy" (If he doesn’t know where to seek help, we as the Chancellery of the Sejm will assist him). This statement reflects not only empathy but also the recognition of the broader issues surrounding addiction within political spheres.

Wilk's case has opened discussions about parliamentary conduct, the mental health of public officials, and the measures necessary to maintain decorum and accountability. The outcome of his situation may influence how political bodies address such issues moving forward.