Romanian police and gendarmes have taken significant measures to reinforce road safety by conducting extensive traffic checks across various counties. Leveraging technology, law enforcement employed the eDAC application, enabling them to efficiently perform both person and vehicle checks, culminating over 24 hours on March 1 and 2, 2025.
During this operation, authorities executed 488 checks on individuals and 221 checks on vehicles, aimed primarily at curbing illegal activities and enhancing public safety. According to the Inspectorate of the Police of Alba (IPJ Alba), they registered 162 contraventions related predominantly to traffic norms, resulting in fines totaling over 30,137 lei.
The heightened enforcement included rigorous checks against speeding and intoxicated driving. Police conducted 70 tests to assess the presence of alcohol or other prohibited substances, leading to the suspension of four driving licenses and the withdrawal of one vehicle registration certificate.
Mihaela Sadoveanu, spokesperson for the Dolj Police Inspectorate, stated, "În cadrul activităţilor desfăşurate, polițiștii au aplicat 194 de sancţiuni contravenţionale, în valoare totală de aproximativ 120.000 de lei." This statement highlights the considerable financial penalties imposed as part of the effort to maintain road discipline. It was reported 106 of these fines were issued for exceeding legal speed limits, demonstrating the serious approach police are taking to combat this prevalent issue.
The operation revealed several alarming statistics, with 25 drivers identified posing significant dangers to others due to reckless driving, which warranted immediate intervention and the suspension of their right to drive. Measures taken are seen as necessary to prevent accidents and protect citizens, with Sadoveanu asserting, "Viteza mare şi alcoolul dăunează şoferilor," illustrating the intrinsic dangers associated with high speed and alcohol consumption.
On the previous day of the operation, police encountered numerous offenders. A notable case involved a 51-year-old male driver, caught speeding at 158 km/h on DN 65 F, prompting authorities to impose sanctions as stipulated under OUG 195/2002. The situation escalated similarly for another individual, 45 years of age, who was apprehended driving at 126 km/h on DN 6, also resulting in penalties and the suspension of their driving rights for 90 days.
The emphasis on driving under the influence was evident when police documented incidents where individuals refused biomarker tests or were found intoxicated. One 39-year-old male driver from Malu Mare recorded 0.59 mg/l of pure alcohol per liter of breath; he was transported to medical facilities but refused to undergo necessary biological sampling. He now faces charges for evading this legal requirement.
Similarly, on the streets of Băilești, law enforcement stopped another individual driving with suspended rights and with 1.25 mg/l of alcohol detected. Authorities confirm this case is pending legal scrutiny, with biological samples sent to the Institute of Legal Medicine (IML) to determine the precise legal consequences.
Concerns surrounding road safety remain high, as police are vigilant against intoxicated drivers. An episode involving another 46-year-old male driver, who registered 0.80 mg/l after being involved in material damage from a vehicular incident, underlined the persistence of this issue. He was likewise taken to the hospital for biological sample collection, with results awaiting verification for potential actions.
The combined efforts of law enforcement within sectors like Alba and Dolj demonstrate commitment to not only enforcing traffic laws but also to cultivating safer conditions for motorists and pedestrians alike. This complex operation reflects how Romanian authorities aim to leverage technology combined with vigilant policing strategies, showing citizens the importance of abiding by road safety regulations.
With these efforts, the Romanian police not only seek to impose fines but also to promote long-term compliance and awareness of traffic laws. The hope is through such initiatives, they can lower the incidence of fatal accidents and injuries related to reckless driving and intoxicated operation of vehicles. The results affirm the value of active law enforcement on the roads.