Roberto Benigni made a highly anticipated return to television on March 19, 2025, with his new show, Il Sogno, airing live on Rai1, Radio2, Raiplay, and Eurovisione. It has been ten years since Benigni last captivated audiences with his presentation of I Dieci Comandamenti, but this night was marked by an engaging mix of humor, deep reflections, and poignant messages about Europe and humanity.
Opening with a line that would resonate with many, he exclaimed, "Siamo senza rete, in diretta su Rai1, in diretta anche su Radio2, su Raiplay, in Eurovisione: ma questo è un colpo di Stato, siamo dappertutto, anche sul forno a microonde se lo accendete!" (We are without a net, live on Rai1, also live on Radio2, on Raiplay, in Eurovision: but this is a coup, we are everywhere, even on the microwave if you turn it on!). The excitement in his voice set the tone for the evening, as he embarked on a journey of reflection and celebration.
Throughout the show, Benigni expressed his joy at being back, humorously thanking Stefano De Martino for a delightful launch via Affari Tuoi, stating, "Ringrazio Stefano De Martino per Affari tuoi, che questa sera con i pacchi mi ha dato un lancio bellissimo" (I thank Stefano De Martino for Affari Tuoi, which tonight gave me a wonderful launch). His playful exchanges, including jabs at notable figures like Carlo Conti and comments on the punctuality related to the Sanremo festival, highlighted both the lighter side of his humor and the deeper commentary interwoven throughout his performance.
Benigni didn’t shy away from honoring significant personages, greeting President Sergio Mattarella and extending well wishes to Pope Francis, saying, "Che guarisca presto" (That he recovers soon). Echoing the sentiments about peace, he recalled the Pope’s powerful words: "Bisogna disarmare le parole per disarmare le menti, disarmare la terra" (We must disarm words to disarm minds, to disarm the earth). These reflections framed his call for unity amidst a rapidly changing political landscape.
With his characteristic ability to blend the comedic with the profound, Benigni ventured into pressing contemporary issues, speaking about European unity and the dangers of nationalism. He cleverly pointed to the history that shaped the continent’s identity, quoting Altiero Spinelli, Ernesto Rossi, and Eugenio Colorni, the authors of the historic Manifesto of Ventotene from 1941. Through humor and pathos, he addressed the audience, stating, "Io appartengo alla prima generazione della storia d’Europa che non ha conosciuto la guerra. E voi sarete la seconda, la terza, forse la quarta. Questo è un fatto colossale, clamoroso, miracoloso" (I belong to the first generation in European history that has not known war. And you will be the second, the third, perhaps the fourth. This is a colossal, astonishing, miraculous fact).
In one of the night’s more humorous moments, Benigni joked about political figures, mentioning Giorgia Meloni's assurance that there was nothing between her and Elon Musk, quipping, "Mi ha chiamato Meloni e mi ha rassicurato: tra me e Musk non c’è niente, lo giuro sulla mia Tesla" (Meloni called me and assured me: there’s nothing between me and Musk, I swear on my Tesla). This playful reference not only elicited laughter but also served to lighten the discussions on the serious implications of nationalism and global politics.
Returning to the subject of unity, Benigni remarked that Europe represented a transformative effort, stating that it was formed not out of division but out of cooperation, an idea that resonated throughout the evening. He stressed that the unification of nations, to create the European Union, was an unprecedented achievement in history: "Non c’è epoca della storia umana dove si sia visto qualcosa di simile" (There is no human history epoch where something similar has happened). He highlighted the contributions of Europe to civilization, from advancements in medical science to setting the stage for democratic governance.
As the night progressed, Benigni shared personal milestones, weaving in tales of his beloved wife and muse, Nicoletta Braschi, and various significant career moments totaling a rich tapestry of his lifelong devotion to art and culture. Reminiscing about his memories of Il Cantico dei Cantici and uplifting songs, he embarked on a poignant exploration of the human spirit, leaving the audience simultaneously entertained and reflective.
Ultimately, Benigni's star-studded return on Il Sogno resonated far beyond entertainment; it was a robust reminder of the values of hope, unity, laughter, and the intrinsic ties that bind humanity together. His seamless combination of comedy, passion, and love for Europe sparked a dialogue that reverberated throughout the evening—and surely will throughout Europe and beyond, as he planted seeds of thought for audiences yet to contemplate.