On December 23, 2024, Rio Sakurai, the latest member of the iconic idol group Morning Musume '24, celebrated the launch of her second photo book titled natural-ly at Shosen Book Tower in Akihabara, Tokyo. The event marked not only the release of her book but also highlighted her involvement with MBS radio show Young Town Saturday, where she regularly appears alongside the legendary comedian and host, Akashiya Sanma.
Sakurai expressed her joy about the event, stating, "I felt there were three times more people than I expected! It’s such happiness. I love talking, so I hope to see many articles about this!" This enthusiasm radiates from her, especially as she shared experiences related to creating her photo book, which was shot at the beautiful VISON resort and Toba Aquarium, locations imbued with natural beauty.
The title natural-ly is derived from her nickname, blending "natural" with her affectionate nickname "Rairy." Sakurai elaborated, "The book captures my natural self surrounded by the gorgeous nature of Mie Prefecture. I think people can truly enjoy the real me through these images." The photo book features stunning settings, including encounters with sea otters and vibrant coral reefs, showcasing both Sakurai's charm and the captivating environments of Mie.
During the press conference, the conversation shifted to her rapport with Sanma, who as the host significantly impacts her exposure and growth as she ventures deeply within the entertainment industry. Sakurai delightedly recalled her beginning sentiments, stating, "When I first started on the show, I was super nervous about talking to Mr. Sanma. I thought, 'Can I hold up my end of the conversation?' But recently, I’ve just found it fun. I’ve matured, and I’m becoming naturally myself, which is great!"
Despite this newfound confidence, there are certain complications tied to her interactions with Sanma. Sakurai revealed her dilemma about whether to present Sanma with her signed photo book. She revealed, "Since I’ve been appearing every week, I wanted to gift him my signed book. But during a recent recording, he mentioned how many gifts he's received and how difficult it is to store them all. I think I'm just being considerate of his feelings. I’m thinking about presenting it without writing my signature right away, and if he wants to take it home, then I’ll sign it."
Sakurai's struggle with the decision to give Sanma her signed photo book sheds light on her thoughtfulness and burgeoning connection with the entertainment veteran. Her perceptions of giving gifts coupled with the longevity of Sanma’s career emphasizes the oddity of gifts because of their sentimental value and the weight they carry for figures of his stature.
"It’s hard for someone like Sanma-san to throw away items, especially since many of them are significant. It would feel wrong, I think, to complicate his collection too much with my contributions," Sakurai stated, reflecting on her internal conflicts.
Despite these challenges, Sakurai is poised for growth and exploration as she sails through her 20s. She looks forward to leveraging her experiences from collaborating with seasoned entertainers like Sanma to pursue her dreams of touring internationally by 2025. The upcoming year marks not only another chapter for her ensemble but also opportunities for advancement as she embraces her aspirations boldly.
The evolution of Sakurai’s character and fresh perspective on her career are not only impressive but inspiring. Many fans resonate with her struggles and triumphs, crafting her narrative not just as another idol but as someone with emotions and motivations relatable to her audience.
Supporting this new maturity is Sakurai’s hope for more exposure, not just as part of Morning Musume but individually. "I really want to keep connecting with my fans, growing alongside my fellow members, and creating impactful performances," she affirmed at the end of the conference.
The spotlight on her endeavors alongside Akashiya Sanma presents her as not only rising to the occasion but also paving the way for future idols. With confidence bolstered and ambitions afire, it seems bright horizons await this rising star.