Today : Mar 26, 2025
24 March 2025

Rio De Janeiro Launches Urgent Measles Vaccination Campaign

City aims to curb measles spread with targeted efforts for unvaccinated adults and children.

As the world grapples with the resurgence of preventable diseases, the municipality of Rio de Janeiro is taking proactive measures by launching an extensive campaign against measles aimed at individuals aged 18 to 59 who have not been vaccinated or are overdue for immunization. Starting from March 24, 2025, this initiative will be operational in high-footfall areas throughout the northern and central zones of the city.

The focal point of Rio's vaccination effort is the MMR vaccine, which protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. Daniel Soranz, the municipal health secretary, emphasized the urgent need for immunization, stating, "Measles is a disease that still claims nearly 100,000 lives globally each year. It affects many developed countries and is an immuno-preventable disease that we can avoid through vaccination. This vaccine is very effective; it is administered at 12 months and again at 15 months to protect against three viral diseases: measles, mumps, and rubella."

In addition to targeting young adults, this essential vaccine is available to both children and adults at all 239 of the municipality's Primary Care units, including family clinics and municipal health centers. Soranz reiterated the significance of maintaining vaccination efforts, saying, "Rio de Janeiro has not recorded any cases of measles for over three years, but we are witnessing outbreaks in other cities within the state and even across the country. It is crucial that we remain vigilant in keeping Rio de Janeiro free from measles. This vaccine is highly effective; one dose is sufficient for those over 30 years old, while individuals under 30 require two doses."">

Although measles was previously eradicated in Brazil, recent developments prompted an alert from the State Health Department regarding two confirmed cases in São João de Meriti as of March 17, 2025. To combat potential outbreaks, health officials collaborated on vaccination drives and active case searches this past weekend, on March 22, 2025. They have launched an active vaccination campaign in partnership with the Ministry of Health at the same time, focusing specifically on the areas surrounding the confirmed cases.

At vaccination sites, residents can receive vaccinations and health officials will be monitoring the situation closely. The campaign aims to ensure that adults aged 18 to 59 who lack immunization or those aged up to 29 who have only received one dose complete their vaccination schedule.

The State Health Department and the Municipal Health Department are taking significant steps in a proactive approach to prevent further spread of the disease. On the same Saturday, they executed a targeted campaign in São João de Meriti, registering two thousand doses of the measles vaccine distributed street by street in the vicinity where the confirmed cases occurred. Moreover, health professionals carried out training to enhance their capacity to detect potential cases following the recent alerts.

Claudia Mello, the Secretary of State for Health, assured that there would be ongoing support for the municipality of São João de Meriti, which required immediate action following these alerts. "Since the notification of suspected cases last week, we have been actively working with the Ministry of Health to implement a strong partnership to control the situation," she explained. Eder Gatti, the director of the National Immunization Program, highlighted the effectiveness and reliability of the MMR vaccine, with over 30 years of assured efficacy to protect the population against measles.

As citizens of Rio de Janeiro are encouraged to take part in this crucial vaccination campaign, the municipal health department reminds everyone of the importance of immunization in safeguarding both individual and public health.

To facilitate accessibility, vaccination will take place daily at various established points from Monday through Friday, running from 8 am to 4 pm. Among these locations are the Terminal Gentileza and Santos Dumont Airport, ensuring that individuals can receive their immunization promptly. A broader community effort is also ongoing at Central do Brasil, where vaccinations will be available on specific weekdays to increase public participation.

For families seeking vaccination for their children, the municipal health units are equipped to administer measles vaccinations, ensuring comprehensive coverage for both children and adults. Helping the community stay informed about vaccination schedules and locations reinforces the municipality's commitment to keeping measles at bay.

Overall, this campaign reflects a concerted effort by the state and municipal health authorities to protect the community from a disease that, while preventable, continues to have devastating effects in many parts of the world.

As would-be vaccine recipients prepare to attend vaccination sites in the ensuing days, officials will remain vigilant to ensure that Rio de Janeiro continues its track record as a measles-free community.