A remarkable rescue unfolded recently when Bear, a retired police dog, discovered a missing man during his first walk after recovering from major surgery. The German Shepherd was out with his owner, Julia Pope, who is also a former police officer, in Eastbourne, East Sussex, when the heartfelt incident occurred.
Bear's day took on unexpected significance on November 28, 2024, as it happened to be his 12th birthday. Julia had hoped for a gentle stroll, but Bear had other plans. "This was his first proper walk since his surgery, and we thought it would be just a calm outing," said Julia. But as soon as they stepped outside, Bear went from relaxed pet to diligent worker. He paused, his instincts kicking in as he started indicating toward dense underbrush.
With impressive determination, Bear led Julia through the thicket where he found the missing man. "He dragged us right to it, where he located and alerted us to a vulnerable man," she recounted with awe. The man, confused and wet, had fallen and was unable to get up, left to face the frigid temperatures as darkness closed in around him.
Julia noted, "I’m not sure he would have survived the night as it was extremely cold and almost dark. No one else was around, and the location was off the beaten path; it would have been really easy to get lost there, especially at night.”
What Julia and Bear didn’t realize at the time was the man’s precarious situation—he was the very person police had been diligently searching for. They quickly assisted him back to safety, where he was able to reconnect with the officers who had been concerned for his welfare. Their effort helped reunite the man with his family, thanks to Bear leading the way back.
This miraculous turn of events was described by Julia as “an amazing stroke of luck.” She adopted Bear just four years prior, after he had retired from active duty with Sussex Police due to health concerns. Since then, he has been more than just a pet; he has grown to be a support dog, providing comfort to police staff who have faced traumatic experiences.
Bear's career as a police dog was extensive, but it led him down a challenging path. He had undergone major surgeries last summer after dealing with severe issues, including the loss of function in his hind legs due to herniated discs, alongside scars from previous surgeries. Just two weeks prior to this rescue, Bear had surgery to remove two benign tumors, marking this outing as significant not only for him but for the life he was about to save.
Kieran Stanbridge, trustee of the Thin Blue Paw Foundation—a charity dedicated to supporting former police dogs—recognized Bear’s efforts. "RPD Bear is a true hero. His training and instincts kicked in, and he managed to lead his owners, who are former police officers, to this vulnerable man who needed urgent help. Thanks to Bear, the man received the support required from the local officers; even in his retirement, he’s still saving lives," he said.
The incidents highlight the strong connections between dogs and their humans, particularly those who have served in policing roles. Bear's story is one of resilience and talent, showing how instinct, training, and serendipity can converge to save lives. This feel-good rescue, thanks to Bear’s determination and Julia’s attentive care, serves as both inspiration and testimony to the bond shared between retired police dogs and their handlers.