Morita Kenji, the renowned Japanese manga artist known for his comedic work such as Maru Daime Otoko and Robotan, passed away on December 23, at the age of 85. His family confirmed he died of senility at his home in Yokohama, Japan.
Born in Tokyo, Morita’s life spanned significant historical events, including the tumultuous years after World War II. At just three months old, he moved to the Northeast region of China, then known as Manchuria, and returned to Japan at the age of seven following the war. His early experiences greatly influenced his later artistic endeavors, as he drew upon the memories and challenges faced during those years.
Morita's illustrious career began breaking ground with the publication of Kensyu Toshi, where he first showcased his talent. He gained widespread acclaim with the release of Maru Daime Otoko, which garnered the Kodansha Children’s Manga Award in 1964, establishing him as one of the prominent figures of children’s humor manga.
Remembering him fondly, fellow manga artist Chiba Tetsuya expressed their shared history when he stated, "Morita-san and I were the same age, both 85, and we both experienced the hardships of the Northeast China repatriation at the age of seven." Their connection reflected the depth of Morita's experiences and his impact on those around him.
Chiba also noted, "Morita Kenji's efforts helped compile our repatriation records and contributed significantly to memorial efforts, like the establishment of the 'Repatriation Mother and Child Jizo' at Sensoji Temple." This recognition exemplified Morita’s dedication not only to his craft but to preserving history and honoring the memories of those who shared similar experiences.
Throughout his career, Morita was not just limited to children’s humor. He was also a leading figure among other manga artists who had shared the trials of wartime Japan, contributing to projects like the My August 15th Association. Through this union, he helped to create works remembering the war's experiences, particularly through art.
Morita passed away quietly, entrusting his legacy to the art form he had shaped through humor and poignant storytelling. His family has opted for a private funeral, led by his eldest son, Kazunari, ensuring his departure is treated with the same privacy he often valued throughout his life.
Morita Kenji leaves behind not just his works, which will continue to make readers smile, but also poignant memories from those who knew him. His contributions to Japanese manga have secured his place as a beloved figure within the industry, and he will be dearly missed.