The highly anticipated completion premiere of the stage adaptation of 'Trillion Game' was held on January 14, 2025, at Tokyo Dome City Hall, featuring lead actor Ren Meguro alongside co-stars Yuto Sano, Mio Imada, Riko Fukumoto, and director Yoshitaka Murao.
Meguro, celebrated for his role as Haru, expressed his excitement during the event, stating, "I am both happy and excited to show you the film we worked so hard to create," as the audience erupted with applause. He continued to share his personal connection to the character, emphasizing, "Just as the character has inspired me, I hope this film delivers courage and excitement to everyone watching it!"
Sano, who portrayed Gaku, complemented Meguro's performance and highlighted the shift to more improvisation during the film, saying, "It was tough to hold back laughter due to the improvisation during the scenes." This humorous banter between the co-stars brought light-heartedness to the presentation, capturing the audience's attention and laughter.
The stage play is based on the manga 'Trillion Game' serialized by Shogakukan, where two opposing characters—Haru, known as the 'world's most brazen liar,' and Gaku, the kind-hearted engineer—team up to navigate the challenges of starting up their own business. The film's narrative revolves around their ambitious venture to develop Japan's first casino resort, promising thrilling adventures and unexpected hurdles along the way.
Director Yoshitaka Murao and other cast members shared their views on the film, with Meguro adding, "The lavish casino set must be seen to be believed." The excitement surrounding the production was palpable, as audiences anticipated how this adaptation of the popular manga would surface on the big screen.
Admirably, veteran actor Seichi Tanabe praised Meguro's growth as an actor, stating, "Ren has grown so much as an actor, exhibiting energy from his eyes to his fingertips." This sentiment echoed the cast's consensus on the engaging work environment they shared during production.
Overall, the completion premiere of 'Trillion Game' offered not only insights about the film's development but also showcased the deep camaraderie and professional respect among the cast. The incorporation of improvisation indicates the film's lighthearted humor, which is likely to resonate with both fans of the original manga and newcomers alike.
“I hope this project brings joy and excitement. We’ve worked hard to create something special, and I can't wait for everyone to experience what we've envisioned,” added Meguro, signifying the film's imminent release is set to continue the narrative's legacy as well as broaden its reach among audiences.