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World News
22 October 2024

Rebuilding Gaza Could Take Centuries Without Change

A UN report highlights the dire challenges and extended timeline for Gaza's recovery amid sustained conflict and blockade.

The human cost of the recent Israel-Hamas conflict is staggering, and the subsequent destruction across Gaza has raised serious concerns not only for immediate relief efforts but also for long-term reconstruction. A recent report from the United Nations (UN) paints a grim picture: if the blockade remains in place, it could take upwards of 350 years for Gaza to recover to even its precarious state prior to the latest escalation. The extensive damage inflicted during this conflict has resulted in entire neighborhoods being demolished and infrastructure lying in ruins.

According to the UN Conference on Trade and Development, the situation is dire. Even if hostilities were to cease today, the outlook for Gaza's economy is bleak. The report suggests it would take centuries to rebuild, due to compounded issues like previous conflicts, longstanding blockades, and political divisions within Palestinian leadership.

Before the outbreak of the recent conflict, Gaza was already grappling with the effects of the Israeli and Egyptian blockade, which has been enforced since Hamas came to power back in 2007. An already fragile economy took blow after blow from multiple wars and internal divisions. The recent military actions have led to staggering destruction, which includes mountains of debris littered with perpetual threats such as unexploded ordnance.

The condition of the region is such now—after weeks of intense fighting—that clearing the rubble will take significant time and effort, not to mention the additional logistics involved with rebuilding homes and public services.

From the perspective of recovery, experts warn of the challenges posed by both the physical and social landscapes of Gaza. The UN report emphasizes, "Once a ceasefire is reached, return to the pre-October 2023 status quo would not enable Gaza to recover. If we assume the growth trend observed from 2007 to 2022, where the average growth rate hovered around 0.4%, we are looking at 350 years merely to restore GDP levels from 2022." It also indicated the economic hardships could continue to worsen, especially with population growth, leading to continuously declining GDP per capita.

Israeli officials have declined to comment on the report's findings, leaving many to question the future of peace and reconstruction efforts. Meanwhile, the call for international aid has become more urgent as humanitarian crises deepen.

Reports indicate the stress on humanitarian resources has increased exponentially. Philippe Lazzarini, head of the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), described the humanitarian situation as reaching desperate levels, pointing out, “People are just waiting to die. They feel deserted, hopeless, and alone.” These sentiments echo throughout the surrounding areas, where thousands have been displaced and medical supplies are dwindling. Lazzarini's plea for help emphasizes the immediate need for relief before any rebuilding can even be contemplated.

The war has not only caused physical destruction but also deep trauma within the community. Families have been torn apart, housing has been lost, livelihoods are shattered, and fear hangs heavily over daily life. Existing issues, like unemployment and access to health care, are exacerbated by infrastructural damage, leaving many residents facing immense uncertainty.

Protection of civilians remains tenuous at best. Reports from various news agencies detail the continued evacuation of thousands from northern Gaza as fighting flares again. Scenes of people fleeing with whatever they could carry reveal the urgency of the deteriorated conditions. Many have been forced to navigate through debris-laden streets, seeking refuge wherever they can find it, just trying to escape the unrelenting combat.

International organizations have been called upon to provide more active role—both to deliver immediate aid but to participate long-term in reconstruction efforts. Yet, many experts contend without significant political shifts or humanitarian truces, the reconstruction simply may not happen. A collaborative effort which involves local authorities and leaders from different factions could be necessary to unify the area and aid recovery.

The road to recovery would be challenging even under the best of circumstances, and with persistent destruction, it appears even more formidable. Concerns abound over resource allocation, political disagreements, and the sheer scale of unrest and deprivation felt on the ground. Many are left wondering if the international community's engagement will be sufficient to initiate meaningful change.

Countries worldwide have echoed requests for ceasefires and humanitarian assistance. They argue there is urgency for nations to work collectively to resolve the humanitarian crisis and facilitate movement for resources, medical assistance, and rebuilding materials.

The situation reflects the urgency needed to address issues of governance and the intersection with humanitarian needs; voices within Gaza and the international community are calling for accountability and reform to prevent similar crises from occurring again.

With these discussions gaining momentum, concerns around financial support and international commitments are front and center. Aid agencies stress the need for transparency and close collaboration to rebuild trust with the community impacted on the ground. Observers note without addressing underlying grievances, sustainability of recovery efforts may remain elusive.

While reconstruction plans and discussions are underway, many hesitate to set timelines. The sheer scale of the destruction clashing with extended political instability makes progress unpredictable. All too often, what seems clear is the trend of devastation outweighs projections of recovery.

At the core of these efforts remains the hope of returning to some semblance of normalcy—what life was like before the chaos ensued. But as the outlook currently stands, without changes at political, humanitarian, and societal levels, the long path to recovery might easily become more of an unattainable dream.

The recent conflict is yet another chapter in the long-standing turmoil faced by Gaza's residents, and until genuine efforts are made to rebuild both the physical and social structures, the scars of this war, along with those of past conflicts, will be felt for generations to come.

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