After 20 years and 123 episodes, Rainer Hunold has officially bid farewell to his role as Oberstaatsanwalt Bernd Reuther in the beloved ZDF series 'Der Staatsanwalt'. The emotional final episode, titled 'Zu allem entschlossen', aired on March 21, 2025, marking the end of a significant chapter in German television history.
Hunold, who has played the character since the show began in 2005, decided to retire due to his age and a desire to maintain the credibility of his character. He stated, "Glaubwürdigkeit und Authentizität waren mir immer wichtige Kriterien für die Figuren, die ich gespielt habe. Angesichts meines Alters habe ich mich daher entschlossen, Bernd Reuther in den Ruhestand zu entlassen." (Credibility and authenticity have always been important criteria for the characters I played. Given my age, I have therefore decided to retire Bernd Reuther.)
In the farewell episode, viewers witnessed a gripping storyline revolving around the murder of a family man alongside a parallel case involving another suspect, which showcased Hunold's character applying all of his legal experience to unravel a complex web of lies and guilt. The episode earned a respectable 4.921 million viewers, securing the top spot in TV ratings for the night, though it fell short of the 5-million mark, which the series had regularly surpassed in past years.
On the same evening, competitors like the 'heute-show' attracted 3.865 million viewers and commanded a 21.1 percent market share, demonstrating the functioning appetite for well-crafted German television.
Reflecting on his time with the show, Hunold expressed, "Ich freue mich auf den kommenden Lebensabschnitt, den ich ausschließlich der Bildhauerei, meiner zweiten großen Leidenschaft, widmen werde," (I look forward to the next chapter of my life, which I will devote entirely to sculpture, my second great passion). His choice to step away not only honors his character's legacy but also his commitment to portraying a believable figure in the legal profession.
'Der Staatsanwalt' began as a standalone film before evolving into a series due to its success, achieving impressive viewership figures that ranged from 5 to 6 million per episode. As the series progressed, it became a staple of Friday night entertainment in Germany, resonating deeply with audiences. Hunold's portrayal of Bernd Reuther has been integral to the show's identity.
Moving forward, ZDF has confirmed that there will be no successor for Hunold's role, which marks a definitive close to 'Der Staatsanwalt'. A statement from ZDF representatives noted, "Die Serie sei nun mal sehr eng mit Rainer Hunold als Hauptdarsteller verbunden und endet nun konsequent mit seinem Ausstieg" (The series is closely associated with Rainer Hunold as the lead actor and will logically end with his departure).
As fans reflect on the impact and the memories created over two decades, they express a mix of gratitude for the show's run and sadness at its conclusion. The legacy of 'Der Staatsanwalt' will undoubtedly live on, having paved the way for meaningful dialogues on justice and morality framed within its compelling narratives.
Hunold’s career has certainly left an indelible mark. In addition to his role in 'Der Staatsanwalt', he was also known for his portrayal of Anwalt Dr. Franck in the ZDF series 'Ein Fall für zwei' from 1988 to 1997, further cementing his status as a prominent figure in German entertainment.
The finale’s nuanced storytelling and the emotional depth displayed are resonant with the themes that have characterized the show throughout its run. As viewers move beyond the show, they carry with them the stories of Bernd Reuther, an empowering figure in the pursuit of justice.
As the curtains draw on this iconic series, Hunold's retirement not only signifies personal change but also closes a pivotal chapter in German television. A chapter enriched with powerful portrayals, gripping storylines, and a legacy that will not soon be forgotten.