On January 31, 2025, Netflix premiered the highly anticipated film 'Los Dos Hemisferios de Lucca,' drawing from the poignant autobiographical book by journalist Bárbara Anderson. The film tells the powerful story of Bárbara and her son Lucca, who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy shortly after birth. This adaptation highlights the challenges faced by families dealing with disabilities, aiming to shed light on the themes of resilience, love, and the fight for inclusion.
Director Mariana Chenillo crafts a narrative filled with hope and determination, as it follows Bárbara's relentless pursuit for treatment for Lucca. The story has emotional depth, reflecting the reality faced by many families. "La película y el libro permiten exorcizar mucho el tema de la discapacidad. De tanto tocarla y de tanto amasarla cada vez se hace más chiquita y más normal," noted Anderson, emphasizing the film's role in changing perceptions about disability.
The film features the talents of Bárbara Mori as Bárbara Anderson, Juan Pablo Medina as her husband, and young actor Julián Tello as the determined young boy. Their portrayals deliver heartfelt performances rooted deeply within personal experiences. Anderson articulated her emotional connection to the film: "Mirarse a uno mismo en una película es muy difícil de explicar, lloré al vernos 'ser' otra vez". Her reflections underline the importance of authentic representation.
Through its storytelling, 'Los Dos Hemisferios de Lucca' addresses the broader social issues surrounding disabilities. According to the 2022 census by INEGI, over 6.2 million people live with disabilities in Mexico, representing 4.9% of the population. Anderson's story resonates strongly against this backdrop, fostering discussions on the necessity of changing societal attitudes toward disability.
Anderson herself has become recognized not only for the book but also for her activism. Having founded initiatives aimed at promoting awareness and inclusion for individuals with disabilities, her work continues to influence Mexican society significantly. Commenting on the film’s impact, Mariana Chenillo stated, "Este niño, que podría haber tenido todas las puertas cerradas, ahora gracias a esta mamá, y a ese camino, tiene todas las puertas abiertas," emphasizing the transformative power of love and determination.
The narrative takes the family on a symbolic and literal trip to India, where they seek out experimental treatments for Lucca. This not only signifies their struggle but also their hope, portraying motherhood’s strength and unwavering love. Chenillo shared her personal connection to the project, stating she saw it as her mission to convey Anderson's powerful story authentically: "Casualmente, cada vez que me encontré con un Ganesha me pedía que se abran todas las puertas," she recalled, highlighting her thematic intention throughout the production.
By placing the reality of disability at the forefront through the lens of personal experience, 'Los Dos Hemisferios de Lucca' serves as both entertainment and education. It encourages viewers to examine their perceptions and acknowledges the importance of inclusion across various aspects of society. This film's release marks not only the spread of awareness but also fosters compassion and human connection.
Categories such as film viewing and social awareness can merge as seen through 'Los Dos Hemisferios de Lucca.' Amid the harsh realities faced by families and individuals with disabilities, the film reminds audiences of the light of hope and the possibilities for change. It propels the conversation forward, showcasing diversity and the universal themes of love and resilience.
With its heartfelt portrayal and insightful narrative, 'Los Dos Hemisferios de Lucca' is more than just another film; it's an invitation to challenge stereotypes and rethink societal views on disabilities. The film hopes to inspire change and provoke thought, embodying the essence of human experience intertwined with challenges and unwavering love.