A nationwide prayer initiative called ‘Polska na Skale’ is set to kick off on February 11, 2025, seeking Divine Mercy and intercession for Poland. This significant event, organized by all people of goodwill, is expected to engage countless participants united by their commitment to pray for their nation’s welfare.
Father Teodor Sawielewicz, one of the main organizers, expressed the campaign's primary objective, stating, “Akcja ma na celu modlitwę o Boże Miłosierdzie i błogosławieństwo dla naszego kraju, czyli dla nas i dla naszych rodzin.” This translates to the action aims to pray for God's mercy and blessings upon our country, including ourselves and our families. His words encapsulate the heartfelt intentions behind this extraordinary call for prayer.
The campaign lasts for nine weeks, culminating on April 15, 2025, with its most momentous event: the consecration of Poland to Divine Mercy during a solemn mass scheduled for April 27, 2025. The idea is for participants to come together spiritually, having persevered through the nine weeks of collective prayer.
Participatory prayer practices include reciting one part of the Rosary, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and the Prayer for the Homeland each day. This daily discipline not only reinforces personal faith but also weaves the fabric of community devotion across the nation.
Father Dominik Chmielewski, the founder of the ‘Wojownicy Maryi’ (Warriors of Mary), is encouraging everyone to join this prayerful initiative. He stated, “Każdy człowiek dobrej woli, któremu zależy na naszej Ojczyźnie, może swój trud, cierpienie w jakiś sposób ofiarować Panu Bogu za to wszystko, co dzieje się w Polsce, aby zostało to przemienione w Boże błogosławieństwo.” Meaning, every person of goodwill who cares about our country can offer their struggles and sufferings to God concerning everything happening in Poland, hoping for it to be transformed by divine blessing.
This call to action resonates deeply with the Polish populace, especially during challenging times, emphasizing unity through faith and collective prayer. Its grassroots approach allows anyone to participate, regardless of their background or church affiliation, making it widely inclusive.
Online platforms will serve as the medium to connect participants across Poland and beyond. Individuals are encouraged to join communal prayers online through social media networks, enhancing the sense of togetherness even when physically apart. This innovative approach reflects how modern technology can facilitate ancient practices like prayer, extending their reach and enabling greater participation.
The profundity of this national prayer campaign cannot be understated. Regular prayers can serve as not only personal reflections but also as acts of societal healing, addressing what many will identify as national wounds. Participants’ collective desire to seek divine mercy acts as both hope and catharsis, potentially leading to tangible change for the community and their beloved country.
The campaign has already garnered significant interest and commitment from many across Poland. Their enthusiastic response indicates the movement’s potential to bring together diverse individuals unified by common goals: to pray, to seek grace, and to advocate for their nation’s positive transformation.
To participate, individuals can express their commitment to the campaign via its dedicated website, and daily prayers can begin with the February start date quickly approaching. The organizers eagerly invite all people of goodwill who cherish their homeland to join this movement, highlighting the essence of faith-driven community and the exceptional strength found within collective resolve.
This campaign serves as more than just religious observance; it embodies the spirit of Poland’s vibrant and cohesive fabric. It calls for recognition of shared values, hopes, and dreams—a community knit together through prayer and the pursuit of divine mercy. Fostering such values can only lead to positive developments, as individuals reach out to one another, hand-in-hand on the path of faith.
At its heart, ‘Polska na Skale’ is about building solid foundations of prayer and faith, aiming for heightened national awareness and unity. Only time will tell how impactful this initiative will be; nevertheless, the sentiments expressed by its leaders and followers reflect the resilience and devotion of the Polish people as they unite under the banner of divine compassion.