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World News
30 September 2024

Police Brutality And Blasphemy Claims Spark Outrage

Dr. Shahnawaz Kunbhar's extrajudicial killing reveals alarming trends of mob violence and police collusion.

Across Pakistan, the medical community is mourning the death of Dr. Shahnawaz Kunbhar, who was brutally killed by police authorities during what has been termed a fake police encounter. The shocking incident has raised serious concerns surrounding blasphemy laws, state complicity, and vigilantism.

Dr. Kunbhar, who worked as a government doctor, was accused of posting blasphemous content on social media. This accusation led to violent protests organized by Islamist political parties, pushing local authorities to act quickly—often with tragic consequences. On September 18th, after surrendering to the police to escape mob violence, he lost his life during what officials claim was an attempt to arrest him.

Reports suggest the police shot Kunbhar, claiming it was “unintentional.” This claim has been widely disputed. His family has asserted he was murdered intentionally by law enforcement officials, alleging foul play and malfeasance on their part. They surmise he was killed to appease the violent mobs calling for his head.

The backlash from this extrajudicial killing has ignited public outrage, emphasizing the increasing power of vigilante groups and the apparent complicity of the police. Eyewitness accounts revealed how Kunbhar’s body was seized from his relatives and set ablaze by angry mobs—action indicative of how polarized views on blasphemy have turned deadly. Videos surfaced celebrating the police yet fuelled anger among those opposing the killings.

Pakistan has witnessed similar incidents, where people accused of blasphemy have been killed without trial. This raises alarms over the state of human rights and the rule of law, especially when police—the very institution tasked with protecting civilians—are perceived to be joining forces with mob mentalities. With at least eight people reportedly killed this year alone under similar accusations, it gets harder to ignore this trend.

Pakistan's appalling blasphemy laws have been under scrutiny since they carry severe penalties, including the death penalty for the accused. The reluctance of authorities to shield those targeted by mob justice points to institutional failures at multiple levels. A police officer, two SSPs, and other personnel involved have now been placed on the stop list to prevent their escape from justice.

Experts and human rights activists are calling for thorough investigations, but the prospects seem grim. Institutions like the police force are described as conservative and ill-equipped to handle their mandates efficiently. The ramifications of this incident go beyond Kunbhar’s tragic death, posing larger questions about safety and legal recourse for individuals unfairly accused.

The government’s handling of the situation has revealed serious cracks, exhibiting a disturbing development where the law operates selectively. The spotlight remains on authorities, challenging them to take comprehensive steps to end the culture of impunity—especially when those wielding state power operate with alarming disregard for basic human rights.

Kunbhar’s family stands at the center of this tragedy, feeling betrayed by law enforcement. His brother, Babar Kunbhar, stated, “Police breached our trust and killed Nawaz.” This sentiment resonates deeply among citizens who see the police not as protectors, but as potential adversaries.

The images of celebrations outside the police station suggest the disintegration of the legal system and reflect broader societal challenges. A police officer, posing as concerned relatives, was reportedly involved too, raising suspicions about collusion and corruption within the ranks.

This murky case is symptomatic of greater issues plaguing the country; the reliance on mob justice signals deep-seated woes where people feel entitled to take the law—literally—into their own hands. The mounting violence and extreme reactions to blasphemy allegations demonstrate how fragile the situation has become.

Authorities have since responded to mounting public pressure by suspending officers involved, yet whether this step will be enough to restore faith remains unclear. Will this bring real change, or will it merely scratch the surface of systemic failures?

Eighty-six percent of Pakistanis identify as Muslim; this overwhelming majority lays bare how deeply entrenched religious sentiments can skew perspectives on justice and accountability. The situation is worsening as some factions glorify violence against those they believe insult Islam.

The environment increasingly fosters intolerance, even among the police tasked with upholding law and justice. The crushing fear amid allegations of blasphemy hangs like thick fog, making it hard for accused individuals to find refuge or respect.

To prevent future tragedies akin to Kunbhar’s, Pakistan urgently needs reform. The current climate is troubling; pressure already mounts on law enforcement to find ways to shield themselves from growing public demands for accountability, and yet it often seems they end up engaging with mobs instead.

Political leaders, activists, and civil society must rally for significant reforms. Without restoring people’s confidence and ensuring responsible law enforcement, the nation will continue to spiral down this treacherous path.

Dr. Kunbhar's death epitomizes the dire need for attention to human rights and accountability across institutions. Without change, the growing threats of lynch mobs and police brutality will only grow, creating an atmosphere where injustice thrives unchallenged.

This tragedy serves as both a wake-up call and cautionary tale; vigilance is not just necessary but is key to any hope for progress. People need to take action now, before more lives are lost and trust is shattered beyond repair.

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