Today : Jan 04, 2025
01 January 2025

Pius Paschke Survives Garmisch Ups And Downs

After rocky starts, Paschke aims for victory in the Vierschanzentournee's upcoming rounds.

Pius Paschke, the 34-year-old ski jumper, is currently making headlines during the 2025 Vierschanzentournee, especially after his rollercoaster performance at Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Initially, he had high hopes riding on the New Year’s jump, which proved pivotal for his position. While his first jump on January 1 left much to be desired, clocking in at only 129 meters and earning him 130.8 points, it was his second, a remarkable leap of 143.5 meters, where he redeemed himself.

Despite beginning the day poorly, Paaschke’s second performance showcased his true potential and kept alive his chances for the overall championship. After his underwhelming start, he found himself trailing behind American Tate Frantz, competing to secure the last spot for the final round. Importantly, Paschke’s teammate, Karl Geiger, demonstrated resilience and skill, jumping eight meters farther and finishing strongly.

According to Paschke, maintaining body tension is key for him: "Körperspannung ist bei mir immer ein Thema. Da muss ich mich ein bisschen mit dem Puls regulieren. Wenn der zu hoch ist, bin ich von oben ein bisschen unentspannter in der Hocke und habe nicht so meinen Rhythmus. Dann hat es leider ein paar Folgefehler mit sich." His remarks encapsulate the mental and physical demands faced by elite athletes.

With the competition fierce and several Austrian jumpers leading the field, including Michael Hayböck, who set the hill record with 145 meters, Paschke understands the widening gap he must overcome. Each competitor poses unique challenges, especially Daniel Tschofenig, who is now at the forefront of the overall standings.

Paschke's approach moving forward is optimistic. Analyzing his earlier jump, he noted issues linked to aggressiveness on take-off. The former national coach, Martin Schmitt, stated, "Pius was beim Absprung zu aggressiv, rollt über die Zehenballen drüber. Dann zeigen die Skispitzen nach unten und er kommt nicht auf Höhe." This emphasizes the necessary balance needed when exiting the gate if he wants to gain height instead of maintaining downward momentum.

With his performance fluctuated and current ranking only ninth, there is still hope for Paschke as the competition continues with upcoming jumps scheduled for Innsbruck and Bischofshofen. Expert Sven Hannawald remains hopeful, stating, "Ich bin noch entspannt, weil ich weiß, dass in Innsbruck viel passieren kann. Man muss dran glauben. Man darf nie aufhören zu hoffen." His words carry weight as Paschke needs to focus and strategize his future jumps considerably.

Closing the gap to achieve Germany's first Vierschanzentournee victory since Sven Hannawald’s triumph 23 years ago will be no easy feat, but Paschke’s experience and determination could see him capitalize on any mistakes made by the leading competitions.