JAKARTA, INDONESIA - On March 19, 2025, Pertamina Patra Niaga, in collaboration with the Ministry of Trade and the Indonesian National Police (Polri), took decisive action by sealing gas station SPBU 34.167.12 located on Jalan Alternatif Sentul in Kabupaten Bogor. This sealing was carried out due to serious allegations of the gas station reducing the volume of fuel sold to consumers, which constitutes a fraudulent practice.
During the operation, officials from Pertamina Patra Niaga, including Corporate Secretary Heppy Wulansari, and Minister of Trade Budi Santoso, along with Brigadier General Nunung Syaifuddin, who is the Director of Tipidter at Bareskrim Polri, were present to oversee the sealing of the dispensers. Heppy Wulansari emphasized that this action represents Pertamina's commitment to consumer rights and maintaining the quality and quantity of fuel provided to the public.
Heppy stated, "Kami tidak mentolerir segala bentuk kecurangan dan menindak secara hukum SPBU yang melanggar ketentuan. Kami mengapresiasi kerja sama Kepolisian dan Kemendag dalam mengungkap kasus ini," which translates to, "We do not tolerate any form of fraud and will take legal action against any gas stations that violate regulations. We appreciate the cooperation of the Police and the Ministry of Trade in uncovering this case." This underscores a strong message about integrity in the fuel supply chain.
The investigation conducted by Polri revealed that the gas station had reduced fuel volume beyond permissible limits. It was discovered that illegal devices had been installed in the dispensers, allowing the station to cheat customers by delivering less fuel than what was paid for. Brigadier General Nunung Syaifuddin highlighted that these illegal modifications involved additional electronic components concealed within the dispenser systems.
Reflecting on the investigation, Nunung noted, "Penyembunyian alat tambahan berupa komponen elektronik pada PCB yang terbukti berfungsi mencurangi atau mengurangi takaran BBM yang dibeli oleh konsumen pengguna BBM," which translates to, "The concealment of additional devices in the PCB matrix was proven to function to cheat or reduce the volume of fuel purchased by consumers." This revelation sparked immediate action to safeguard consumer interests.
In line with the response to these findings, Minister of Trade Budi Santoso expressed his gratitude for the teamwork between the Ministry, Pertamina Patra Niaga, and Polri in addressing public complaints regarding alleged malpractice at the gas station. Budi warned other gas station operators, stating, "Kami mengimbau pengusaha SPBU agar tidak melakukan praktik seperti ini lagi karena merugikan masyarakat," translating to, "We urge gas station operators not to engage in such practices again as they harm the public." This commitment reflects a concerted effort to restore consumer trust, especially as the nation approaches the busy period of Idul Fitri travel.
As a result of this incident, the management of SPBU 34.167.12 will be transferred to Pertamina Retail, a subsidiary of Pertamina Patra Niaga, ensuring that the station operates according to standard operating procedures (SOP) designed to protect customers. Heppy further elaborated on this plan, stating that managing the gas station is critical to provide prime service and proper operations in compliance with company standards.
The sealing of this gas station is poised not only to enhance consumer confidence in gasoline transactions but also to serve as a warning to industry players. Pertamina and the Ministry of Trade are ramping up their oversight as the nation gears up for the Idul Fitri homecoming period.
Fadjar Djoko Santoso, the VP of Corporate Communication for Pertamina, reinforced the company’s resolve, stating that Pertamina will take strict action against any distribution agencies found to have committed violations detrimental to the public. He added that the focus remains on guaranteeing energy supply and the highest service standards during Ramadan, ensuring that consumers can rely on receiving what they pay for.
To prevent further misuse of equipment within gas stations, Pertamina Patra Niaga, working together with the Directorate of Metrology from the Ministry of Trade, is enhancing training for field teams to guarantee the accuracy of dispensers. Consumers are also encouraged to report any suspicious practices they might observe at gas stations, reinforcing a community-centered approach to safeguarding consumer rights.
In a time when the public's trust is paramount, this government intervention reflects a broader commitment to uphold consumer rights and maintain the integrity of essential services. As the Idul Fitri travel season approaches, safe, fair access to fuel is essential for many families and individuals across Indonesia.