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24 March 2025

Peppe Quintale Uncovers UnAired Haaland Segment From Le Iene

The comedian reflects on his return to television amid personal struggles and changing industry dynamics.

Peppe Quintale, a familiar face in the Italian television landscape, recently revealed a surprising twist involving the much-discussed football star Erling Haaland. In an exclusive interview with TvBlog, Quintale disclosed that he had filmed a segment for the popular show Le Iene featuring Haaland, but it never actually aired. This revelation sheds light on not only the dynamics of television production but also on Quintale's tumultuous journey back to the screen.

Quintale explained that he had rejoined the cast of Le Iene about two years ago. "Due anni fa rientrai nel cast per un paio di mesi," he noted, indicating that his return to television came after a prolonged absence due to personal hardships. However, this period didn't unfold as he had hoped. Quintale lamented, "Fu complicato. Pensai che volessero leggerezza, invece trovai una trasmissione cambiata, dominata dalle inchieste." (It was complicated. I thought they wanted lightness, but I found a changed program dominated by investigations.)

The filming for the segment with Haaland was initially sparked by an intriguing conversation. Haaland had revealed in an interview with a British outlet that if he faced a crucial penalty, he would choose to let Mario Balotelli take the shot. Quintale, intrigued by this, took it upon himself to engage both players in a fun segment. He went to Switzerland to interview Balotelli, wanting to secure his take on Haaland's comments, and crossed over to England to meet with Haaland himself. He reminisced, saying, "Mi sembrò una dichiarazione curiosa, quindi mi recai da Mario, che ai tempi stava in Svizzera, per informarlo e fargli firmare il pallone con cui avrebbe tirato il penalty." (It seemed like a curious statement, so I went to Mario, who was in Switzerland at the time, to inform him and get him to sign the ball he would use to take the penalty.)

Despite the amusing premise, the segment never made it to air. In his unconventional manner, Quintale mentioned that he was left scratching his head about the reasons for its omission. "Non lo so e non intendo valutarne i motivi. A mio avviso era un servizio divertentissimo..." (I don’t know and I don’t intend to evaluate the reasons. In my opinion, it was a very funny service...). It’s apparent that this experience was a bitter pill for Quintale, who felt the charm and entertainment value of his segment didn’t align with the show's current direction.

The backdrop to Quintale's return to television is a story of resilience. He has openly discussed the personal difficulties he faced over the last few years, exacerbated by the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Reflecting on his situation, he remarked, "Venivo da quattro anni di m3rda per via di vicissitudini personali negative aggravate dal Covid" (I came from four years of crap due to negative personal events worsened by COVID). Following these trying times, he sought out opportunities to regain his footing and visibility within the industry.

However, during his attempts to step back into the limelight, Quintale quickly learned that the entertainment world operates differently than it did in his heyday. He criticized how the industry is saturated, suggesting that it often favors those who are already within established networks: "In Tv se non fai parte di un carrozzone sei fuori. Lasciai Le Iene per la Rai, ma le porte erano sbarrate" (On TV, if you’re not part of a wagon, you’re out. I left Le Iene for Rai, but the doors were closed). It's a stark realization, highlighting the challenges many face in the competitive entertainment sector.

His brief stint on The Voice Senior unfolded as part of his effort to re-enter the show business, though he later found himself eliminated after the Blind Auditions. In Quintale’s mind, the gesture was merely a method to gain visibility: "Volevo solo rientrare nel giro, non avevo alcuna aspettativa" (I just wanted to get back in the game, I had no expectations). The desire for reconnecting with the audience thus encapsulates his overarching journey.

Now, Quintale is at a crossroads, contemplating new directions in his career. His experiences while working with Le Iene contrast sharply with his earlier days, leaving him to ponder the nature of the content showcased today. His departure from the show comes with a tinge of nostalgia for the past, yet also a sense of clarity about the future he wants to carve out.

As he reflects on these developments, one thing is clear—Quintale remains a figure whose story resonates in the realm of Italian television, and his commitment to the craft continues to shine through, even amid personal and professional challenges. Whether he’ll return to the screen in a new capacity, or embrace other opportunities remains to be seen, but for now, he is content to simply be part of the ever-changing landscape of Italian entertainment.