Pauline Quirke, the beloved star of the British sitcom Birds of a Feather, has announced her retirement from acting following her diagnosis with dementia, which was disclosed publicly by her husband, Steve Sheen. At 65 years old, Quirke has decided to step back from all professional and commercial duties after receiving her diagnosis back in 2021. This poignant news marks the end of more than five decades of her illustrious career.
Steve Sheen described the moment with great emotion, stating, "It is with a heavy heart I announce my wife Pauline’s decision to step back from all professional and commercial duties due to her diagnosis of dementia in 2021." This announcement highlights not only the personal impact on Quirke and her family but also her significant contributions to the field of entertainment.
Known primarily for her role as Sharon Theodopolopodous on Birds of a Feather, Quirke's career has spanned across television, film, and stage. The sitcom, which originally aired on BBC One from 1989 to 1998 and was later revived on ITV from 2014 to 2020, garnered immense popularity, often attracting audiences of over 12 million. She was widely recognized, winning the Best TV Comedy Newcomer award at the British Comedy Awards in 1990 for her performances.
Throughout her career, Quirke has been the face of many other notable television shows, including Broadchurch, Emmerdale, and The Sculptress, the latter of which earned her a BAFTA nomination. With more than 60 TV appearances and films to her name, recognizing her versatility as both comedic and dramatic roles is easy.
Beyond her success on-screen, Quirke founded the Pauline Quirke Academy of Performing Arts (PQA) in 2007, which now boasts approximately 250 academies and over 15,000 students across the UK. This initiative reflects her dedication to empowering young people through performing arts. Steve Sheen noted, "Pauline has been an inspiration through her work... the founder of the very successful Pauline Quirke Academy of Performing Arts (PQA). Her talent, dedication, and vision have touched countless lives and will continue to do so through the legacy of her work.”
Her husband also emphasized the need for privacy, stating, "We kindly request privacy and understand for Pauline and our family during this difficult period. For the time being, we will not be engaging in interviews or making any more statements, since Pauline just wants to spend time with her family, children, and grandchildren." This reflects the family's effort to navigate through this challenging time away from the public eye.
The news of Quirke's diagnosis has generated significant attention, leading to notes of support from prominent public figures. Hilary Evans-Newton, Chief Executive of Alzheimer’s Research UK, expressed concern, stating, "We are saddened to hear of Pauline’s diagnosis and send our best wishes to her, Steve, and the wider family." Evans-Newton also praised the couple for breaking the silence surrounding dementia: "The family should be praised for making the brave decision to make her diagnosis public, which will not only provide more freedom for them, but also raise such important awareness of the condition.”
Dr. Hilda Hayo, CEO of Dementia UK, added another optimistic perspective on Quirke's public acknowledgement of her health status. She stated, "By choosing to speak publicly about her condition, Pauline will raise... awareness for young onset dementia. We hope this will encourage others to seek support if they are concerned about their brain health." This guidance highlights the importance of open conversation about such issues.
Quirke’s family background adds another layer of poignancy to her retirement announcement. Married to Steve Sheen since 1996, they have two children: son Charlie, who has followed his mother's footsteps, and daughter Emily from Quirke's previous relationship. Her family has always been central to her life, and her current focus is on spending valuable time with them during this transition.
This diagnosis undoubtedly complicates her legacy, but as she steps away, her influence will continue through the Pauline Quirke Academy and the lives she has touched there. The principles of self-confidence and dedication to the arts laid down by Quirke will resonate for generations. From her grassroots impact to her on-screen legacy, it’s clear Pauline Quirke has made her mark and will always be remembered fondly by fans and students alike.