Paul Hollywood, the acclaimed judge of The Great British Bake Off, has recently shared tantalizing details about his unexpected friendships with Hollywood celebrities, including actress Blake Lively. During interviews, Hollywood candidly revealed how he maintains friendly texting relationships with some of Tinseltown's A-listers, who occasionally provide updates about their lives and families.
The popular Channel 4 show has attracted admiration from numerous celebrities. Hollywood mentioned fans like Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, Michael J. Fox, and even Lynda Carter, who have all expressed their enthusiasm for the baking competition. The highlight for Hollywood came when he received kind words from Kylie Jenner, who declared The Great British Bake Off her favorite show to her staggering 390 million Instagram followers.
Among these star-studded connections, Hollywood particularly cherishes his exchanges with Blake Lively. Speaking to The Times, he said: "I've got a lot of time for Blake. She texts occasionally, sort of to catch up on what she's been up to, what Ryan's up to. It's lovely because regardless of their job, they're just a normal family, mum and dad to some great kids." His fondness for Lively and her family is evident as he remarks on their genuine, down-to-earth nature.
He continued, speaking highly of their friendship: "They're really nice people. I like the communication. I don't have many friends who are celebrities; it's not me. I don't go to a lot of red-carpet stuff. I don't go to the parties up in London. I don't like London." This statement suggests Hollywood maintains his authentic self outside the glitz and glam of celebrity culture.
Interestingly, Hollywood, who has become the sole remaining original presenter since the show's debut in 2010, opened up about more personal struggles beyond fame. He disclosed his battle with severe carpal tunnel syndrome, which he attributes to years of kneading dough starting from his teenage years at his family's bakery. This condition, he explained, has led to nerve damage affecting the feeling in his hands, causing him considerable concern.
Hollywood recounted his experience on The Graham Norton Show, where he admitted, "I've got carpal tunnel syndrome in both my wrists; it's severe. It was diagnosed about four years ago, I went to speak to a consultant about it and he said 'Listen, you're going to have to have an operation.'" This statement shows just how serious his condition has become, putting significant strain on his passion for baking.
Deeply afraid of the surgery needed to alleviate his symptoms, Hollywood has resorted to cutting back on his beloved baking activities. His reluctance to seek medical intervention exemplifies the precarious balance he navigates between his professional obligations and personal health issues.
Despite facing these challenges, Paul Hollywood's story is compelling not only because of his celebrity friendships but also due to his genuine tones about motherhood, family dynamics, and the threats posed to his baking career. This juxtaposition paints him as not just a judge on television but as someone who values real connections amid the chaos of fame.
His insights illuminate the humanity behind the public persona, showcasing how friendship and maintaining personal well-being are priorities for him, even as his celebrity status continues to grow. With his celebrity friendships blooming alongside his personal struggles, Hollywood invites his fans to look beyond the sweet treats and appreciate the ingredients of his life, both on and off the screen.