Patrice Aminati, the wife of TV moderator Daniel Aminati, is facing yet another hurdle in her long and arduous battle against cancer. After publicly sharing the news of her fight with melanoma since 2023, the 29-year-old was relieved when she seemed to be free of metastases last August. Unfortunately, new scans have now revealed the return of cancer, with doctors discovering another metastasis during routine checks.
Speaking candidly about her situation, Patrice expressed her awareness of the possibility of recurrence, stating, "Ich habe mich an das Leben mit den Krebstherapien gewöhnt und es war auch klar, dass das auch wiederkommt" (I have gotten used to life with cancer therapies and it was clear this could come back). She noted how the ups and downs of such health battles can be emotionally and physically taxing, adding, "Das ist ein Auf und Ab" (It is ups and downs).
Aminati's latest setback has necessitated changes to her treatment plan. While doctors alerted her quickly about the new metastasis, she confirmed she would not undergo chemotherapy this time around. Instead, Patrice will begin targeted radiation therapy next week to combat the cancer cells where they have redeveloped. "Ich werde jetzt nächste Woche bestrahlt an der Stelle. Ich bekomme keine Chemos, es fallen nicht alle Haare aus, aber durch die Bestrahlung fallen punktuell Haare aus" (I will be radiated at the site next week. I won't have chemotherapy, so not all my hair will fall out, but radiation will cause some localized hair loss), she explained, demonstrating her commendable stoicism through these trying times.
Patrice reflected on her enduring strength, stating, "Ich stecke noch mittendrin" (I am still right in the middle of it). She remains hopeful for new treatments and breakthroughs, emphasizing the importance of living fully each day. Patrice's husband, Daniel Aminati, has supported her through this difficult time, noting their deep gratitude for each moment together. "Wir leben im Moment und das ist vielleicht das, was wir daraus gelernt haben und wir sind sehr dankbar, dass wir heute auch wieder hier sitzen dürfen" (We live in the moment, and perhaps this is what we've learned, and we are very grateful to be here again today).
The couple's efforts to manage their family's emotional and physical health during these intense challenges have become their primary focus. Daniel shared how they have found hope even amid adversity, stating, "Das ist eine kleine Metastase, die seit einigen Wochen da ist, aber auch nicht größer wird. [...] und das ist für uns auch – in Anführungszeichen – ein kleiner Hoffnungsschimmer" (This is a small metastasis that's been there for several weeks, but it's not getting bigger. [...] and for us, that's also—so to speak—a little glimmer of hope).
Patrice's resilience appears to be fueled not just by medical advancements but also by her family. Her two-year-old daughter, Charly Malika, plays a pivotal role, serving as her greatest motivation and source of joy. Patrice affirmed, "Das war für mich der größte Motor, [...] ein Kind zu haben, das ruft: ‘Mama, ich will mein Einhorn!’" (That was my greatest driver, [...] having a child who calls: 'Mom, I want my unicorn!'). This dedication to motherhood remains central to her outlook on life, reinforcing her resolve to combat this illness.
Despite the emotional turbulence of this latest health challenge, Patrice Aminati continues to inspire those around her with her unyielding spirit and determination. The support from her husband and their cherished moments as a family imbue her fight with both meaning and hope. Daniel noted poignantly, "Es gleicht schon auch einem Wunder und dieses Wunder nehmen wir gerne an" (It truly resembles a miracle, and we are happy to accept this miracle), illustrating their grasp on the preciousness of life amid tribulation.
With the latest round of radiation on the horizon, Patrice approaches this new chapter with the same fierce attitude she's exemplified throughout her struggle. For her, each day free of pain is now viewed as a treasured gift. The Aminati family remains hopeful, as they keep striving for new beginnings and healing possibilities as they move forward together.